Research has found that independent media plays an important role in improving government accountability and reducing corruption. The independent media is important for everyone. The media can expose corruption. So far, at least, the new governments in these countries seem to recognize like the 18th century American and French revolutionaries that they cant build a democratic state without a vibrant and independent media. They do not receive government funding. Importance of News in Democracy - 2180 Words | Essay Example - Free Essays And having rules that limit how much media can be owned by one person or entity can help stop undue influence from a handful of tycoons. However, we, the people of America cant continue to call ourselves the land of the free if we all arent free to the same degree. This means that the people of the said community can either rule directly or indirectly by electing officials to make decisions for the betterment of the people. Why does phosphorus exist as P4 and not p2? On the other side, media also on its part should play a very responsible, active and neutral role in discharging its duties without being influenced by any particular political party or few individuals and should treat everyone on an equal footing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I think the media is an important thing actually now we cannot live without it, because we need it every time. It means that journalists feel no pressure to shape or sanitize their reporting, even if it may negatively portray the government or other power entities, even the owner of the news outlet or other individuals. Did you know that you can get Democracy Now! is . And judges have no more important role than to hold the Government to account when it does not adhere to the law and to uphold the rights of individuals. In this way, the media also establish a connection between the people and their elected representatives. In Poland, a state-run oil company bought up one of the largest media groups in the country, Polska Press, last year. Will Covid-19 vaccines bring life back to normal in 2021? But there is a clear schism in Europe, where independent media is under far greater threat in Central and Eastern European democracies, while Western European governments do not seek to silence critical voices by buying them up or changing regulations to cut off their sources of funding, among other tactics used by Europes populist authoritarian governments. Q12: Give examples of print media? Today is #GivingNewsDay, a day which celebrates and calls attention to the critical journalism being produced by independent, nonprofit news organizations like ICIJ. Bibliography Clark, Anna. Together we can find the stories that get lost. Independent Media. And finding the best answers to these issues relies on hearing new ideas and opinions and debating them freely. Understanding Media: NCERT 7 Class CBSE SST Civics 06 This watchdog role can take many forms depending on the nature of the medium concerned, as well as on the state of democracy and development in a particular country. UCT News caught up with Chuma after the discussion for his views on the most pertinent points: What is the danger of not having an independent media? A nation's democratic health relates to the strength of its public service media, which contributes to democracy through news, editorial standards, and informed citizenship. Freedom to Criticize the Government An essential concept in the history of freedom of the press and freedom of speech, predating the First Amendment, has been much debated: the freedom to criticize the government. It provides news and discusses events taking place in the country and the world. Different authors have given several definition of the term. A 2015 report by Foreign Policy found that Babis media holdings regularly feature sympathetic coverage of Babi and criticism of his opponents. In Slovenia, the government has been destabilizing the media environment in an effort to control news outlets. The role of a free and independent media in development And new, creative approaches, like using the legal system, are being employed to shut down investigative reporting. Foreign Aid and Democracy in Africa - United Nations University The independent media is important for everyone. On the Surface, Hungary Is a Democracy. But What Lies Underneath? - Right for Education Independent media around the world have emerged as some of the most powerful forces in the struggle to change closed, repressive regimes into open and productive societies. If the government controlled the media, it could surely escape all accountability for any actions and would threaten the very principles of the free and democratic system we employ. An independent media gives the public access to information about their leaders. The freer the press, the more democratic the society becomes. He has the qualities of a leader that is talked about on blog sites like Media plays a crucial role in shaping a healthy democracy. Media and democracy. This enables the public to be well informed, and able to vote with confidence during elections. In other words, the starting point should be to move out of their comfort zones and speak to the marginalised communities because thats democracy. This is a community group which doesnt get a lot of media coverage. There should also be mechanisms to ensure they are held accountable to the public and that ethical and professional standards are upheld. Your email address will not be published. . A Critical Analysis of the Relationship between Democracy and Corruption The reason why Takaki tells us the story of his interaction with the taxi cab driver is because the driver assumed since he was not white, that he was not American. - Guarantees an environment of accountability. This has lead to a proliferation of bias across the many media companies in existence today. In Europe, as in much of the world, journalism, and especially independent journalism, is facing threats on multiple fronts. Is Africas unity predicated on the colonial borders its trying to break? Why did the Gupta Empire collapse 3 reasons? Journalists have the right to freedom of expression. Keeping this in mind if media inclines towards a particular political party or favors the government. These laws include restrictions on hate speech such as racism and sexism. As Tocqueville wrote about early America, "every village forms a sort of republic accustomed to conduct its own affairs." This idea is at the heart of federalism. Independent news has never been so important. The medias key role in democratic governance has been recognized since the late 17th century, and remains a fundamental principle of modern-day democratic theory and practice. This means that the government are not publicly accountable. December 3, 2019. This all depends on accurate and balanced information. However, they found this was an unreliable method of communication and the first newspapers and other media mediums were created. This role is controversial because it envisages the press as both advocate and impartial reporter. Being a democratic country, where the decision of the masses is supreme, mass media is in instrumental in ensuring that the people make informed decisions. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. We tell the stories. Its presidents have not been up to the task, US$2.4 trillion in climate finance needed for developing world by 2030, About 300 Durban climate activists picket against oil and gas exploration, Climate finance for Africa: the key challenges and what needs to be done about them, South Africas dance music craze, amapiano, could conquer the world if its stars step up, Your email address will not be published. Subscribe our newsletter to receive the latest updates from us. Protected by the First Amendment to the U . While there will always have to be some legal restrictions on what people can say or write, for example on hate speech - to . In the former, the majority opinion is paramount, whereas in the latter it is the . These ideas are infused in various pieces of literature where the idea of democracy leaves a visible mark on society, dividing it into two scales, one being unable to. Unfortunately, the government makes the people feel powerless to the point where theyre forced to elect a candidate whos not impotent. The functioning of a democracy in which all state authority comes from the people, assumes that its members have the information they . The press as advocate will report not only on what is happening but on what should be happening. . The media ecosystem is also changing in a way that directly threatens independent journalism. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Freedom of Press & Media and Its Role in a Democratic Country Media is vital in generating a democratic culture that extends beyond the political system and becomes engrained in the public consciousness over time. Your email address will not be published. Legal standards can make sure that media regulatory bodies are independent. Why is independent media important - Wiki Democracy is a form of government in which power lies with the people. - Spreads political awareness. Their task is therefore primarily to obtain, select and compile the necessary information and, if necessary, to comment critically, so that the audience understands it and can form its own opinion. It will mislead the democracy and adulterated content would be created. Independent media provide the news and information that people need to have a say in how their cities, regions and countries are run. For the sake of this task, free media are an indispensable part of every free democracy. The media holds those in power directly to account for their actions, through interviews, investigative journalism and impartial reporting. Fax: (1 212) 807 0540, Salvatorska 10 Also one would not think the media would be reporting based on one side of politics or the other. An independent media is important for various reasons but not least the fact that it can represent a whole range of opinions and viewpoints in a given society.. The press and society are the same. They are used for functionality such as logging in, displaying proper fonts, security and stability, and tracking options (such as consent preferences.). Washington, D.C. 20036 USA. For example, there was a recent story where the only group that marched and brought forward the issue of xenophobia was a group called Abahlali baseMjondolo in Durban. Why Is An Independent Media Important? If there is no freedom of expression if people are not free to share information and express a range of ideas, opinions and political views; and, the corollary to that, if people are not free to receive information in the form of a range of ideas, opinions and political views they will not be sufficiently well informed to make appropriate and meaningful political choices, whether at the ballot box or in their interactions with government more generally. The media is controlled by arresting and imprisoning journalists who criticise the government. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The importance of independent media September 27, 2019 The world's media are facing unprecedented challenges, from declining revenue, a broken business model and new forms of censorship, to threats to journalists' safety, misinformation campaigns, competition with social media and growing public distrust. What does an independent media look like? This lyric isnt just understood as this for citizens of America, but is also, how many people from all over the world believe America is. The media is extremely biased when it comes to politics and news. A free media is considered as the backbone of any true democracy. The mere threat of expensive and time consuming legal action, even if the targeted journalist would surely win in the end, is often enough to force their silence. Today, the media has many vital roles in a modern democracy such as; political lies, reviling the truth to the public as well as helping to aid with the hypocrisy of the nation. Paul Mashatile is set to become South Africas deputy president: what he brings to the table, 5th Anniversary of the final forced deportations of the indigenous people of the Chagos Archipelago, South African women innovators win big at international Falling Walls Lab, New research: Cancer drug with potential to be used against malaria, Africa in space: continent has a lot to gain, but proper plans must be put in place. Why are Media and Information Important in a Democracy? Get the latest stories straight into your inbox! The old financial model that supported good quality journalism was shattered by news aggregators like Facebook and Google, who have taken a lot of the advertising revenue that media outlets previously relied on. Does democracy need a free press for it to be a functioning democracy? Required fields are marked *. Du Bois, Black History Month and the importance of African American studies, LGBTIQ learners at risk in South Africa as conservative Christian groups fight plans for safer schools, Wolof is reclaiming ground in Senegal as the French language wanes, Gender equality in Nigeria: Three reasons why women arent represented in politics. How close is the official sub-2 hour barrier now? Democracy is a form of government in which the ultimate power is vested in the people, and exercised directly by them, or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. Thomas O. Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor described the rise in attacks on journalists as a symptom of a creeping majoritarianism in these countries, where electoral politics are well-established but dissent is still not tolerated. Will Nigerias next president answer to the public? Most importantly, having an independent media means that the right to freedom of expression is not being violated. And this is why protecting independent journalism is tantamount to protecting democracy. Audio. The Importance of Free Press for a Democracy In what ways does media plays an important role in democracy? This helps them stay popular and stay in power. We realise that the big media companies are in it for the money so if you can have a whole range of citizens coming together in supporting critical, quality journalism, that is good for media and democracy as well.. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. PDF The Importance of an Independent Press in Democratic Societies What is the role of a free press in democracy? Due to the anti-communist hysteria during. Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly, association and speech, inclusiveness and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights. In other words, its purpose is to allow all of its citizens the same rights and freedoms. Jefferson understood that a vibrant and free press is critical to sustaining the rule of law. But because of their role as a watchdog of the powerful, in many societies critical media are at constant risk of harassment, persecution and closure. If you are going to have a media that speaks in the same voice the voice of those who own and control it, that undermines media diversity and plurality and once that is undermined, it also undermines democracy itself. by There are some bright spots, however: Freedom House noted that the biggest gains in media freedom in 2011 were seen in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, where long-ruling dictators were ousted in a wave of popular uprisings.
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