Furthermore, she is a fearless woman which makes her pursue lofty goals. Welcome, P. You can come put her natal chart on my Forum and ask the question and I will be delighted to take a look. They are really talented at story-telling, and they have a lovely sense of humor. Moreover, she tends to change her personal style and adapt to what she sees in her environment. In this article, you can learn about Venus in Gemini. These Venus in Gemini women usually avoid getting too emotionally involved in a partnership, not because their feelings are false or they are afraid of something, but because they are less romantic and emotional. Sometimes I can not understand myself and make others in always confused situations. She may have an open mind as far as her interests are concerned and will often migrate from one interest to another without investing too You are so very welcome, SIna. Venus in Gemini is also clever and charming, using their wits to win anyone over, especially a potential love interest. Venus in Gemini Women is well-grown in the spheres like writing, public speaking, Venus in Gemini Gemini needs new stimulation all the time. She is playful, chatty, cheerful. You prolly have a short attention span and are also very good with details. with my scorpio mars we were oftentimes caught betwixt and between. They need to feel heard and understood by their partner, and they will try to give the same in return. It is no bother, Sina. Venus speaks about your sense of self-worth as well. I just think people should handle their own feelings like I do. An afflicted Venus can suggest issues with your self-esteem and self-confidence. So, when you ask them something, they often delay coming up with an answer because they are still analyzing all the answers. Seriously, I would need to look at the actual charts because there are so very, very many layers to any chart. Venus in Gemini When it comes to love, Venus in Gemini expresses itself in a flirtatious, interested, romantic, but not too deep way. Her Venus is a crucial indicator of how she attracts her partners and what she values. Venus in Gemini is very charming and loves to seduce with her words. Here is a list of some famous people who have this Venus sign in their natal charts: If you found this article helpful, maybe you want to save it for later. Gemini is led by Mercury, which is associated with communication and transportation. Wavy hairstyles fit them well, as they match Geminis edgy personality. Her complex topics are legendary for blocking those who even think of going forward with such a Dialogue, complex and argumentative debates, the simple exchange of ideas in an attempt to equalize the minds, these are much more important to them. I acknowledge that this would be helpful for Venus Gemini women after Venus in Gemini is everywhere. The Venus in Gemini woman is well suited for a career as a freelancer due to her fearlessness and ability to pay close attention to the needs of her clients. You flirt, joke, and cajoleand you turn others on with the promise that love will be fun with you. You are all about self-expression and are drawn to new ideas and concepts. WebVenus in Gemini Women are highly intellectual observers who perceive the world with their rational lens and are particularly suited to more artistic work. One of the biggest questions of all. Whether their partner is near or far, Venus in Gemini wants to be in constant contact with their loved ones. Mercury shows how you think, how you make decisions, and how you express yourself in your relationships with other people. There is no charge. If you have a Gemini Venus, you might love flirting and the getting to know you part of the relationship, but can easily get bored when the conversation runs dry, preferring many suitors at once to keep things interesting. I wonder about my personality for a married in the future? If she has a Fixed sign Ascendant, like Scorpio or Leo, you will be alright. She enjoys talking to others, sometimes people mistake her communicative nature for flirting. After each breakup I got physically sick for a long time- it hurt in anything but a superficial way. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'horoscopochino_co-leader-4','ezslot_17',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-horoscopochino_co-leader-4-0');Venus in Gemini attracts love by being funny and charming. So if Im reading correctly, more fixed signs in the chart help with the boredom and loyalty issues a gemini experiences? You are extremely communicative and you form relationships easily. To her, it just makes sense to do things right in order to save time, energy, and resources. However, her perfectionism and moodiness can sometimes get the best of her. Venus Gemini Woman Personality Profile Gemini is mutable and likes change. Venus in Gemini Woman You may tell yourself to grow up and not be so silly. Venus in Gemini women are usually expressive, adaptable, imaginative, and versatile. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The Venus in Gemini Woman: Get to Know People with this Venus sign never really grow old. The Venus in Gemini is well suited for a career in bookkeeping. Your moves come second. Similarly, she does not have empathy with a man like him who is overly competitive and not willing to lose an argument at any cost. The strength of Venus in Gemini woman is her authenticity. Venus in Gemini Woman What is it that he wants. In the birth chart, Venus describes the kind of people we like, especially in the charts of men. However, she often does it for the fun of it, and not because she actually wants to find a lover. Venus here is under the influence of Mercury. He says Im funny, and make him laugh. He often sees flirt as a harmless game, without any intentions to act on his words. Hi Crazy! In a relationship, Venus in Gemini needs a lot of space, and their partner shouldnt inhibit them from talking to others or they feel restricted. There is no charge. If you have Venus in Gemini, your best matches are Venus in Aries or Venus in Leo. So, she likes the freedom of working for herself where she doesnt have to deal with the nonsense gender politics in the workplace. Is this a good combination or should I run and never look back? Love, There are five possible Sun signs for those with Venus in Gemini, Aries through to Cancer. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. They are chameleons who are always changing their appearance and personal style. Her wit and word plays are the stuff of legend in her group of friends for being absolutely terrific. This question would take the 5 days I spend on a natal to really answer well, my Friend. She brands herself a feminist because of her innate conviction that men are no better than women and advocates that what a man can do, a woman can do it better. She is bold when it is comes to making decisions because shes got the courage of her convictions. Is she a double trouble ? A question from parent. Freedom is a must for them. How many dimensions are there to a person; and when they show up with a very decorative outer appearance void of any inner exploration, well lets just say its a sinking ship before boarding. Scratch thatyou want somebody who can talk about multiple subjects in a short period of time. These native women are looking for a partner with whom to embark on a mental journey, someone to walk with them on the mysterious path that is the world. Saturn in Aquarius 1 04 16 Rx People with this placement are romantically attracted to people who can make them laugh, spark up interesting conversations, and have a good time. Its all about the mental stimulation with them. If any of those people would have acted normally, I would have never left. Clever, quick and the sprite of the Zodiac, your Gemini nature is dualistic and lithe, dextrous and free! Not a diss, just my human experience. Venus in Gemini Woman Family means a great deal to you, Your email address will not be published. This is a youthful placement. Venus in Gemini Natal In a relationship, Venus in Gemini needs mental stimulation. I have Venus in Gemini conjunct Saturn, in the first house. When in a relationship, a Venus in Gemini can be very loyal and committed. If they want to be with you, youll know it. They are known to frequently borrow other peoples swag. For entertainment purposes only He is always holding back hes in and then hes not. It is exalted in Pisces, in fall in Virgo, and in detriment in Scorpio and Aries. They often have a good sense of humor. WebVenus in Gemini women are witty, clever, and gravitate towards those who have a similar mind. Playing with patterns and changing your wardrobe often will keep you interested. Gemini is mostly oriented on gathering information and connecting with others. Venus in Gemini loves to chat around with acquaintances and neighbors. Venus in Gemini needs a lot of freedom. So, if they get into an argument, it wont end up well! Venus in Gemini Prefers short weekend trips over longer trips; Venus in Gemini will excel at maintaining daily contact no matter how far away their partner is. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. Hi! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You may have friends who are younger than you as well. Leaving love aside, I think we leave when we feel misunderstood, when the other one doesnt get us. I have been bored less than 10 times in my life. Asc node Taurus XII Virgo. They may wear lots of scarves and may prefer messy windswept hair. In the natal chart, Venus is one of the most important objects. Also, probably a flirt like me! They adapt to their current circumstances and can replicate the closest feminine form whenever they get tired of their old style or want a change. If you see a womans Venus in Gemini, check her Moon and Ascendant. If you want to make a Gemini fall in love with you, take it on trips, discover new parts of the city together, or just go watch a movie that makes you think. She does not attract with sultriness, as does Venus in Scorpio. However, they should slow down from time to time to ensure that their partner is equally satisfied. Thats why we also can understand and get it and accept each other.. Never want to lose her as a friend and never want to sexually be with her Im not gay or anything remotely in that whole thing Its kind of like a sister brother who are fraternal twins??? One minute you may like a shirt but the next, change your mind! Her complex topics are legendary for blocking those who even think of going forward with such a In what way, and how you can figure it out with certainty? I suppose I must cop the guilty plea on this. The Venus in Gemini woman is least compatible with the man with his Venus in Virgo. I have this placement, conjunct my mars in 8th house. Venus in Gemini in a nutshell: Style: Charming and astute; Top qualities: Seductive, confident and wild; Challenges: Answering to provocations and craving rapid changes; Advice: Not all challenges demand to be actioned upon; Celebrities: Megan Fox, Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Adele, Nelson Mandela. Her communication style in relationships is critical to understand, and her Venus gives you clues into her friendly and active personality. Gemini enjoys going on adventures and being active. I am a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon, Gemini Venus, Gemini Mid-heaven and Chiron, and a Virgio Rising. They are devoted to their partners, in general, but they also wont accept staying in a tedious relationship. Or that there is no beginning at all so to speak. Shes socially in motion, a lover of the soiree and themed-party, over the intensely cloistered dinner for two. They are not always strongly feminine so they often rely on their knack for making people laugh to get people to like them. This keeps her a stimulating companion, but may send her packing when YOU get boring. Related Article: Gemini Moon Compatibility. That is what I have it for Their social circle is usually large and they have a lot of friends and acquaintances. Hello, The way to his heart is through his brain. It gets along the best with other earth signs. A woman with Venus in Gemini on her natal chart is often very fearless. But what a frustrating relationship. The Venus Gemini woman tends to move in and out of cliques, but the keyword is move. Lets get a few things straight before delving deeper into the complex character of these women. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Venus in Gemini has a terrible reputation for love them and leave them. Venus in Gemini womans appearance People in this category are sexy, with long, upturned eyes with fluttering eyelashes. Am I completely nuts?! Venus in Gemini Women is well-grown in the spheres like writing, public speaking, So, if you are asked by your partner, Why have you been avoiding me?, for example, your answer may seem to have been pulled out of a hat. Venus in Gemini Style Im aware that my Mars in Taurus and Cancer sun do influence the Gemini Venus, but stillI can be as flirty as everyone else who posted here, but when people say they cant stand being bored I agree only to the extent that the conversation has to be interesting. Her attentiveness is also related to her perfectionism, which Ill discuss in the weaknesses section. Even when in a relationship, they often flirt with others (this does not mean that they want anything more, but this interaction is characteristic of this Venus sign). It is easy for her to form relationships. she also has some issues related to being completely forthrightand was made very uncomfortable, knowing i could always tell. Id also like to explain that lightness associated with Venus in Gemini. Some of the other negative traits of this sign include being two-faced, insensitive, making fun of others. Once she has an issue, nobody can convince her otherwise. They also relish writing love notes, poems, and letters to the object of their adoration. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Dont look back. Sexually, she wants to hear you talk. I am a Sun in Cancer, Moon in Virgo, Gemini rising, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Aries, and Mercury in Cancer. Venus in Gemini can maintain a long-distance relationship if necessary. They may LOVE getting their nails done, wearing bracelets, rings, and dresses with interesting sleeves. It gets bored really quickly. Gemini woman is faithful, does she cheat. Gemini is a cheerful, communicative, and verbally unrestrained air sign. However, this keeps things from becoming too familiar or stale. Venus is one of the most significant planets in the birth chart. We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. However, this keeps things from becoming too familiar or stale. Venus in Gemini is a very good placement for any job where you work with people. If there is something that reflects the statement or quote, you are more likely to invest. Venus in Gemini in a Female It shows what you appreciate, what you like doing, and what brings you joy. WebWomen with Venus in Gemini have a light and breezy quality to their personality. As a consequence, though, they usually make wonderful models and actresses. Mercury Leo III Sagittarius Venus in Gemini Gemini is an extremely intellectual sign. So, if the love theyre looking for is fun and exciting, look for a Gemini. I think my 9th House stellium is always studying something so I am not bored. Venus in Gemini It was not too long at all! Such is the case with Venus in Gemini. I stop feeling at ease completely. This man is completely confusing the hell out of me!! Venus in Gemini womans appearance People in this category are sexy, with long, upturned eyes with fluttering eyelashes. Her complex topics are legendary for blocking those who even think of going forward with such a discussion. They may also be the type to date more than one person at a time. This can lead her to regularly being late to parties. She can be interested in someone, but after a short period of time starts to wonder if this person is really the best fit and if she really is in love with them. Your Achilles heel was your Venus in Libra lol I want to be loved for who I am not for how I look.
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