I think I can write something more interesting not about children but about my experiences in my business, he said, joking that might carry risks. Every Central Bank is a member of the BIS-bank. Given the media covered up the corruption in Ukraine and the funnelling of dirty money to the US Congress through Hunter Bidens Burisma board membership, I will not trust them when they claim that Russia is being aggressive towards Ukraine. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1992, it was renamed "Bank of Russia". "Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws" - Baron M.A. Corrections:NYT March 15, 1939. Colors-NewYork.com. Bookmark the permalink. Do you see any similarities here? When they murder someone that is really the ultimate test like the 4 African presidents who refused the jab in their countries all dead in the same year. Reply. No.3. His reports reveal that what is happening on the ground is not what Western corporate media would have you believe. However, if being a Jew is a matter of religion, then it is a question of denominationalism within Judaism itself. The best way out of this dangerous mess would be partition into pro and anti-Russian zones. Good statecraft demands that Washington move mountains to settle the conflict in Ukraine in which it has no vital national interest but faces nuclear peril. But please Putin is just another Puppet his job is to make the western dupes look weak and the young think that communism looks good! Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew. Jewish Almanac 1980. Lol where? Ambrose Evans-Pritchard The Telegraph 22 March 2022, Russia has not defaulted on its sovereign debt after all. 1913 rothschild federal reserve. ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS: Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan. 1939: USA responds with sanctions. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. p153, The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine. He has three children: two boys aged 12 and 10 and a girl of eight. This is not about a couple of separatist republics who want to be under Russian rule and probably they do after Russian population transfers into them. The Chinese money, RMB Renminbi means people together coin/money. As I said, I trust nobody, and I know Putin has an accommodation with Israel. After emergence of Amritpal Singh, an Swami Nithyananda, a rape accused and fugitive from India, figured in news debates and Four years after the Balakot strike and India-Pakistan air combat, the dog-fight seems to A video is getting viral on social media. Rothschild family, the most famous of all European banking dynasties, which for some 200 years exerted great influence on the economic and, indirectly, the political history of Europe. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the C.19th; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. This brings us to the present conflict, where Russia is again overthrowing the Khazar stronghold. .., https://henrymakow.com/2022/02/brandon-smithukraine-is-a-g.html, How many countries has USA invaded? In both cases, these leaders, backed by a show of military resolve, finally deactivated a world war triggering point and set up (or recognized) a pair of friendly protectorates., MSM squealed in horror For the past year, the Central Bank of Russia has been systematically destroying the country's private banks, consolidating immense financial power in the hands of the Kremlin. They we real.. NOW we see the real reason for Bidens:s handlers wanting war with Russia. If you look at the close interactions between the east and the globalists, this idea completely falls apart. In The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) Koestler advanced a theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended, not from the Israelites of antiquity, but from the Khazars, a Turkic people in the Caucasus that converted to Judaism in the 8th century and was later forced westwards. The World Gold Council shows that Russia is the largest buyer of gold and is the world's third-biggest producer, with the Central Bank purchasing from domestic miners through commercial banks. Nancy Pelosis son and Mitt Romneys son were also given paid positions. This country could fall apart into a state for the Kurds, one for the Sunnis, and one for the Shia. We like that Ukrainian grandmother going up to the Russian soldiers and giving them sunflower seeds to carry on their pockets. p82, In 1918 the real purpose of Communism becomes apparent less than a year after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the stealing of the wealth of the people (especially the Rothschilds favourite Gold!) What if the hard men in Moscow get fed up watching hundreds of millions worth of US and British arms pour across the Polish-Ukraine border? This kingdom was largely unknown to the general population until Arthur Koestler wrote about its history in his 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe. Both the Soviet Union and the PRC are joined at the hip from the time the USSR supported the Mao Ze Dong takeover with Warsaw Pact weapons pumped out by the Rockefeller munitions factories in the USSR gulags. Russia says it will remove dollar assets from its wealth fund - CNBC Entertainment for the masses, fake heroism and plenty rivers of innocent blood soaked up by mother earth while coins are shifted to rightful money changing coffers is not something that is new. Why dont you write one?. Something like our original Commonwealth Bank when it was under the governorship of Denison Miller. Which Putin approved in 2016. For January 1973 the debt clock was at $458, 231,678,732 with just 13.4 million people. He specializes in report making and research analysis. According to Kelly and Laycocks book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 a staggering 98 percent. The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians (855). Putin To Nationalise Rothschild Central Bank - News Punch We provide impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. The plan is named after a Jewish scholar who wrote an essay about it in 1982: A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s. Sound military sense suggests Russia should attack these supply lines, depots and railroads. Reichstag Address, October 1, 1938 / (Read his amazing speeches in Mein Side of the Story), https://www.realhistorychan.com/anyt-02252022.html, [Poetic quote from B.M. Rothschild & Co., one of the banks that retains the Rothschild family name, has an office in Moscow and has been operating in Russia since the mid-1990s, according to a search of financial news . A video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asking American youths to fight the war Manish Sisodia, former Delhi deputy Chief Minister, who also held several portfolios like Education Pakistans project Khalistan keeps sprouting on social media. (Lol they sound absolutely petrified huh). Trump has Hijacked Rothshilds Central Bank in the USA Russia 1939: Hitler recognizes independent protectorates. At the same time, financial advisory Rothschild & Company has an office in Moscow for nearly a decade. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Rothschild family never controlled Russia. While the fighting goes on, the conflict in Ukraine is increasingly dangerous. The bottomless depth of arrogance, hypocrisy and stupidity of the US; UK; UN; EU; WEF etc etc is astounding albeit laughable. Just the management your family business needs. Upon investigation of the above claim, we learned that the Russian bank had been nationalized long before Putins first term. 2022: Putin recognizes independent protectorates For example, Trotsky was a leading member of the first group and his original name was Bronstein. Citing the financial crises engineered by the banks, Jackson spent his first term weeding out Rothschild agents from the government. The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) belongs to a foreign state - the City of London. Bring in Talmud law. The Rothschild family is considered to be one of the most well-known European banking dynasties and has exerted influence in economic and geopolitical affairs for 200 years, according to Britannica. Bank of Russia raises macroprudential requirements for mortgage loans. By the 1970s, three Rothschild banks remained: the London and Paris branches and a Swiss bank founded by Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild (1926-1997). On my own initiative I have, not once but several times, made proposals for the revision of intolerable conditions. .There is a strong political movement in Israel that is backing the infamous Oded Yinon Plan. Russia is close to being unable to pay its debts amid sanctions imposed by the west after Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Some followers of the Oded Yinon Plan do not see the plan outlined above as merely an ideal, but they read it as if already in reality. It is interesting that Israeli state refused to condemn Russias invasion of The Ukraine. It was centered in what is now called The Ukraine but included also neighboring countries like Kazakhstan. These groups were sent to areas throughout Russia to incite riots and rebellion. The people always want a hero. The only countries left in 2018 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba. The Story of the Commonwealth Bank (D.J. The Bank of Russia has defended its independence after Friday's surprise cut in interest rates raised concerns about the influence of the Kremlin, industrialists and bankers over the central . OD-54, dated 17 January 2023 'On the list of foreign currencies for which the official exchange rates against the ruble are set by the Bank of Russia'. The EUSSR wants to merge its captured European nations with the Soviet Union. I did not decide to create a book it was a request of my children. Expect cyber attacks around the world to coverup anything exposing the horrors of the toxic clot shots, to be promptly blamed on Russia. p192, In 1989 many of the satellite states in Eastern Europe through the influence of Glasnost, become more open in their demands of freedom from Communist governance in their Republics. In 1791, the Rothschild family gained control of America's money supply through Alexander Hamilton (the family's agent in George Washington's cabinet) when the family established a central bank in the U.S. named the First Bank of the United States, which received a 20-year charter from Congress in 1791. **Become a Caravan to Midnight Member** Andrew Carrington Hitchcock wrote The Secret History of the Jewish World Domination the Synagogue of Satan and dedicated it to the millions of men, women, and children who, throughout the centuries, have suffered at the behest of this synagogue of Satan. Russia's Central Bank is Owned by the West's JEWS as Is the West and there is no one like Hitler, nor like Putin in Germany today, who will stand up against the internationalists for his country. The truth about that should give you some indication. Russian oil magnate who sued Rothschild sees NY case dismissed - Al Jazeera His lawsuit tells a . Rothschild Pyramid & How it Controls the World's Financial System Wait until Marienko unleashes the Kraken with retaliatory and REAL sanctions. Hence, Kiev has great religious significance to Putin, who considers himself the Protector of the Faith. NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virustransmission, Ex-CIA adviser says Ukraine losing badly in war againstRussia, Russian missile hits strategic 80-metre-deep NATObunker, Phones and seatbelts reap an annual $140m bonanza for Queensland Laborgovernment, The sexual decadence of Weimar Germany, nothing changed just updatedscripts. The debt clock at mid-day 20 Jan 2023 was $ 8,793,694,584,359. Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video [], https://libya360.wordpress.com/2022/03/27/ukrainian-forces-want-to-surrender-and-azov-forces-started-shooting-at-them-they-are-at-war-with-each-other/. It played a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Although his view is called a theory, it is one that is supported by The Jewish Encyclopedia itself. From this, the following conclusion was drawn: Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. Also former Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich first announced the Russian governments plan to ban GMO at an international biotechnology conference in 2015. THOMAS SEWELL PUTINS RUSSIA IS ANTI-WHITE. Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders. Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/nuclear-vault/2019-10-30/nuclear-weapons-turkey-1959 Many revolutions happen, most of them involving the overthrow of their respective Communist governments and replacement of them with Republics. 1939: Hitler recognizes independent protectorates And yes some are foot soldiers but what do you mean by the jews bankers zionists internationalists? It has a blue border at the top and the bottom which represents the Nile and Euphrates rivers. The problem is that this paedophile ring consisted of 11 Jewish gangsters, and the Italian broadcast media had been so bold as to inform their more than 11 million viewers of such, and even go so far as to broadcast footage of these Jewish gangsters arrests! The Russian state depended on alcohol taxes to remain solventit is estimated that 40% of state revenues came from alcohol sales in 1860. . p128, In 1948 in the spring the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the USA 1945-1953) to recognise Israel as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train. That is Washingtons ambition before it turns on China. How U.S. Companies Should Manage Expanded U.S. Sanctions on Russia and One has to wonder whether the Jews most holy book, the Talmud, had any influence on these Jewish paedophiles. Reeves, J. Its about time Australians wake the f**k and smell the grass!, Ukrainian Forces Want to Surrender and Azov Forces Started Shooting At Them They Are At War With Each Other A History of the Rothschild Family - Investopedia Your people, in turn, do not feel a sense of the impending danger this is what worries me. 4, bld. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families - Global Research Politicians do not work for the people, they are the servants of their corporate masters and carry out their bidding.
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