Verse Isaiah 49:13. [2.] Let the whole creation join with us in songs of joy, for it shares with us in the benefits of the redemption, and all they can contribute to this sacred melody is little enough in return for such inestimable favours, Psalms 96:11. Commentary Isaiah 49:1-Isaiah 49:13 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me ( Isaiah 49:13-14 ). Please do not deface or discard. Second, because the Messiah fulfills the name Israel, which means, governed by God., i. 5/8/2015 In today's lesson, God promises a multitude of children to Israel through faith. To this he submitted for our salvation. It is Best to Obey The Lord. He'll gather them from the north and from the west and from the east. i. The reason of all this is. and break forth into singing, O mountains; such as are in high office either in the state, as Christian kings and princes, Isaiah 49:23 or in the church, as prophets and apostles, Revelation 18:20. Isaiah 49 | Bible Teaching Notes Biblical Commentary - Sermon Writer But God responds that He has a glorious plan for His Servant. And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob ( Isaiah 49:26 ). However, it is possible that we should read "my servant, Israel" not as vocative, but as a predicative. His charge to us every day is to look at him and "see.". What is the highway of holiness (Isaiah 35:8)? Isaiah 49:1-7 - Center for Excellence in Preaching And God's purposes are to be fulfilled there. Yet surely my just reward is with the LORD, 1 Listen to me, all you in distant lands! i. But through Him, we've been brought nigh. And the prey of the terrible be delivered; And I'll be sanctified before the nations of the earth. Isaiah 49:8-13 NIV - Restoration of Israel - BibleGateway I've heard some Bible scholars suggest the possibility and some analysts, and I've talked to some Israelis who have suggested also the possibility, that the next outbreak of warfare over there in the Middle East, that Israel plans for it to be the last outbreak by so thoroughly defeating all of those who have risen against them that they will not be able to rise against them again. [2.] Can a nursing mother forget her nursing child? c. Thus says the LORDto Him whom man despises, to Him whom the nation abhors: The LORD speaks to His Messiah, and reveals that He will be One whom man despises, and whom His own nation abhors. Nothing can furnish us with better matter for songs of praise and thanksgiving, Isaiah 49:13; Isaiah 49:13. Study the Bible on the go with Andrew's free online Bible commentary. d. For He who has mercy on them will lead them, even by the springs of water He will guide them: In an immediate sense, this refers to Gods supply and sustaining of the exiles returning from Babylon to Judah, through the unseen hand of the Messiah. Isaiah 49 - EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) But they are seeking to expand. Isaiah, A Study Guide - From The Executable Outlines Series by Mark A. Copeland - Hundreds of free sermon outlines and Bible study materials available for online browsing and downloading. lay upon them command after command, rule alter rule, a constant series of minute injunctions, under which they will . They intend to thoroughly thrash their enemies. Now those men in Libya, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, they could care less what havoc they've wrecked upon the world. There is no exception in that great, but little word, all. And if you look at it, it is a very small area. Isaiah 49:1-13 - BibliaPlus This probably has reference to the hidden years of Jesus, when He lived in obscurity, as a polished shaft waiting in the quiver of the LORD. Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Which may be understood of the heavens, and the earth by a personification, a figure usual in Scripture, to express the greatness of the benefit received, and to raise thankfulness and admiration in the hearts of God's people; see Psalms 90:11 or by the heavens may be meant the angels in heaven, who, as they rejoice at the conversion of a single sinner, will much more rejoice at such numerous conversions among Jews and Gentiles, here prophesied of, Luke 15:10 and, by the "earth", the saints on earth, the excellent in it, who have a more immediate concern in, and must be affected with, the case here represented: and break forth into singing, O mountains; such as are in high office either in the state, as Christian kings and princes, Isaiah 49:23 or in the church, as prophets and apostles, Revelation 18:20. If you do that, then the mountain between you and Gods land of blessing becomes the way into it. (Redpath). This was true for Zion when freed from the Babylonian captivity; it is even more true for those set free from captivity to Satan. Isaiah 49:14 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. The Messiah declares His mission. Sunday, June 12, 2022: "God Foretells Redemption" Practical Points For The great blessing of the returning sons of Zion in both near and far fulfillment will come as an astounding surprise. The Second "Servant Song" (Isa. Well, actually, you can drive from one side of Israel to the other in two hours; you can drive from one end to the other in six hours. The scope of these verses is to show that the return of the people of God out of their captivity, and the eternal redemption to be wrought out by Christ (of which that was a type), would be great occasions of joy to the church and great proofs of the tender care God has of the church. Can a woman forget her sucking child?" 2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me; The triumphs of the church, after her troubles, will in due time put the matter out of question. Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? The idea is that God will bring back the captives (particularly in the far fulfillment) from every conceivable place. See how deplorable the case of God's people may be sometimes, such that they may seem to be forsaken and forgotten of their God; and at such a time their temptations may be alarmingly violent. They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them ( Isaiah 49:8-10 ). Isaiah 51:1-11 Reassurance of Israel's Future. And I will save your children. While some might need to brandish a weapon to show their authority, the Messiah needs only to speak. He is a person that has revealed himself to us that we may know him and the power of his resurrection (Phil 3:10). 5. . What is the book of the Lord in Isaiah 34:16? Isaiah 49:1. To those who are in darkness, Show yourselves. 6-12. God Foretells Destruction / Isaiah 47.10 - 15. Isaiah - Discover Books of The Bible Sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth Which may be understood of the heavens, and the earth by a personification, a figure usual in Scripture, to express the greatness of the benefit received, and to raise thankfulness and admiration in the hearts of God's people; see ( Psalms 90:11 Psalms 90:12 ) ( Isaiah 55:12 ) or by the heavens may be meant the angels in heaven, who, as they rejoice at the conversion of a single sinner, will much more rejoice at such numerous conversions among Jews and Gentiles, here prophesied of, ( Luke 15:10 ) and, by the "earth", the saints on earth, the excellent in it, who have a more immediate concern in, and must be affected with, the case here represented: and break forth into singing, O mountains; such as are in high office either in the state, as Christian kings and princes, ( Isaiah 49:23 ) or in the church, as prophets and apostles, ( Revelation 18:20 ) . The LORDs affection for His people is greater than the devotion a woman has for her nursing child. iii. Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. . God's people are the blessings and ornaments of the world, and therefore let there be universal joy, for God has comforted his people that were in sorrow and he will have mercy upon the afflicted because of his compassion, upon his afflicted because of his covenant. And you go today and the declaration of so many Jews is, "Where was God during the Holocaust? Can a woman forget her nursing child: Though bizarre accounts of unspeakable cruelty surface from time to time, everyone knows that a woman will never forget her nursing child. And My highways shall be elevated. The Lord called me to serve him. He referred to this Servant earlier (Isaiah 42:1-9), but now he reiterated and reinforced what he had revealed in preparation for further revelation about this key figure. This brings to mind in Revelation chapter 7, "And they shall hunger and thirst no more and neither shall the sun shine upon them and all." i. Jesus set the demon possessed free from the bondage of chains and demonic torture (Mark 5:1-15). We have no more reason to question his promise and grace, than we have to question his providence and justice. This shows that ethnic Israel has an enduring place in Gods plan, and that plan will be fulfilled when all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26). A captive, and wandering to and fro? Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save thy children ( Isaiah 49:24-25 ). 49:13. But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. New Revised Standard Version and Student Study Handout for Isaiah 9:2-7 International Bible Lesson "For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6NRSV). Isaiah 42:10-13; Isaiah 44:23; Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah 52:8-9; Isaiah 55:12-13). See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Explore the Bible: God Comforts - Baptist Standard The idea in this verse is, that it was an occasion on which the heavens and the earth would have cause to exult together. Because of their captivity in Babylon, Zion wonders Does God really care about us? God will answer, with strength and insight, this question that many have asked since. - The Burden against Babylon. And they shall be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine. Your walls are continually before Me. Break forth into singing, O mountains - "Ye mountains, burst forth into song"] Three ancient MSS. When the Servant completes His work of salvation, the whole creation, not just humankind, will experience liberation from the effects of the Fall (cf. Salem Media Group. To restore the earth, well, they may forget, but I will not forget thee ( Isaiah 49:15 ). And He said to me, To Him whom man despises, We need 2 cookies to store this setting. They say, "The area that we have is too small." Isaiah Chapter49 Lessons from the text . Verse Isaiah 49:13. Do Zions' friends favour her dust?Psalms 102:14. Though the promise seems too good to be true, God confirms it with an oath to the nations. A woman may perhaps be so unhappy as not to be able to remember her sucking child (she may be sick, and dying, and going to the land of forgetfulness), or she may be so unnatural as not to have compassion on the son of her womb, as those who, to conceal their shame, are the death of their children as soon as they are their life, Lamentations 4:10; Deuteronomy 28:57. a. Sinim is probably Aswan, near the southern border of Egypt. A nursing mother, most of all, cannot but be tender of her sucking child; her own breasts will soon put her in mind of it if she should forget it. The mountains in the way are still the LORDs mountains, allowed there for a purpose. You won't find a clearer picture of Jesus Christ anywhere else in the OT. 16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. This week, we're looking more closely at "daughter Zion's" restoration to motherhood. Partners In a New Creation / Lesson #2 God Foretells Redemption / Isaiah 49:1-13. "[9] The appearance of this outburst of praise in the midst of a long list of prophecies is similar to the appearance of the proleptic songs interspersed throughout the prophecy of Revelation, thus exhibiting the same characteristic found in other authentic portions of God's Word. But if that were the case, an apparent contradiction would arise in Isaiah 49:5-6, in which the Servants task is to bring Israel back to Yahweh and to the landthe view that Israel is a title of the individual messianic Servant harmonizes most satisfactorily with the passage and context. (Lindsey). Shout for joy, O heavens! Then you will say in your heart, Here, He commands the coastlands the distant lands of the Gentiles to listen to Him. Zion believes, The LORD has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.. Some apply his engraving his church on the palms of his hands to the wounds in Christ's hands when he was crucified; he will look on the marks of them, and remember those for whom he suffered and died. Verse 14 Verse Isaiah 49:14. And their pastures shall be on all desolate heights. But, Secondly, It is possible that she may forget. The reality is that those who oppose the Lord and his people experience the self destructiveness of sin a recurring feature of the wars of the Lord. (Motyer), (c) 2021 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features.
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