F spring = - k x. F spring = - k (x' + x) The spring constant - Hooke's law - CCEA - BBC Bitesize We know that F = m * x. k = F x {\displaystyle k= {\frac {F} {x}}} . This "spring-mass system" is illustrated in Figure 13.1.1. . They inform you that the car will have a mass of 1,000 kilograms, and you have four shock absorbers, each 0.5 meters long, to work with. The spring constant is $250 $ N m$^{-1}$. To calculate the natural frequency using the equation above, first find out the spring constant for your specific system. A higher spring constant means a stiffer spring thats harder to stretch (because for a given displacement, x, the resulting force F will be higher), while a looser spring thats easier to stretch will have a lower spring constant. How to Calculate Angular Frequency Given Spring Constant and Mass The negative symbol indicates that the force of the spring constant is in the opposite direction of the force applied to the spring. The formula to calculate the applied force in Hooke's law is: Display the spring constant on a graph as the slope of a straight line since the relationship between force and distance is linear. In the first method, I add masses and measure the stretch. However, in many cases especially in introductory physics classes youll simply be given a value for the spring constant so you can go ahead and solve the problem at hand. He has authored Dummies titles including Physics For Dummies and Physics Essentials For Dummies. Dr. Holzner received his PhD at Cornell.

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