The dark sides of otters, dolphins, and penguins are just as much a part of their nature as the parts we find so squee-inducingly adorable. Some local populations, such as Gray seals in the Baltic Sea, are endangered. They even have the adorable habit of floating on their backs, even while theyre eating, and have been known to hold hands with each other while sleeping so they dont drift apart from their pals! River otters also eat a different diet when compared to sea otters. Sea Otter Sea Otters are a larger species of otter. With this insight, you should have a better grasp as to what makes both river otters and sea otters special. River otters can be found in pairs, but they tend to spend time with other otters in a more casual way. They have a body length of about 3 to 4 feet and weigh between 40 to 60 pounds. North American River Otters weigh between 10 pounds to 25 pounds and grow up to 3 feet in length. This isnt where their social behavioral differences end, however. Sea otters eat sea urchins, seaweed, clams, and crabs. All About Otters - Physical Characteristics | SeaWorld Parks The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) can be split into two regional subspecies. Now, however, its differentthere is too little sea ice, which is impacting the food supply. Still, these mammals are very different from one another, and were going to show you the differences between a seal vs otter. Sea otters are larger : Love to snack on small fish found close to shore banks, as well as amphibians such as frogs, and crustaceans such as crawdads. As Douglas and colleagues stressed in their preface to Levicks report, though, the behavior [displayed by hooligan males] is clearly not analogous to necrophilia in the human context. That fact can easily be lost when one is appalled by an animal acting out a human taboo. River otters are more petite. Shocking behavior isnt the sole province of marine mammals. unit 3: personal and business finance grade boundaries. Both species face threats of pollution, habitat loss, and reduced food sources. River otters and sea otters also have habitat preferences in these unique ecosystems. Which would you like to know more about? union county latest news There are twelve different sub-species of river otter, but only three separate sub-species of the sea otter. They weigh between 45kg to 3,200kg. Our work is focused on solving some of the greatest threats facing our ocean today. True seals use blubber deposits under their skin to keep themselves warm when theyre in the water, which is quite often. Many people may not know this, but sea otters are much larger than river otters. They are very different from other mammals that share the seals name or lineage. Sea otters are larger than river otters. All otters must continually groom their fur to maintain its insulating qualities. Since southern sea otters are found in cooler waters, its important for their fur to be able to insulate them from the weather. As the smallest species of otter, they range in size from 4.4 to 11 pounds, with a body length of only 16 to 24 inches, which makes them half the length of a southern sea otter! You may already have an idea as to what makes river otters and sea otters look so different from one another. The rehabilitated sea otters were released into an environment of intense competition and were at a disadvantage when it came time to find a mate. This makes them very different animals, especially when you consider the fact that sea otters are the only members of their genus. The Difference Between Asian Small-Clawed Otters And Sea Otters River otters keep their young safe by their side and in dens that they build on riverbanks, while sea otter moms typically keep their pups nestled on their stomachs as they float until they are old enough to swim on their own. According to the IUCN, this can make it hard for otters to meet their high metabolic needs, leading to malnutrition or starvation.. They are mammals without fur as adults. Receive email updates to learn how you can help make a difference for the future of our ocean. Giant Otter Giant Otters are the largest otter species and are very similar to large river otters. Their bodies and feet are also shaped very differently as well. Ground squirrels, hyenas, and lions may eat infants of their own species just for a snack. Sea otter | Animals | Monterey Bay Aquarium You might not be able to tell by looking at them, but river otters and sea otters have very different fur. But sea otters relationship with climate change goes two ways. If dolphins really disappeared tomorrow, as in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series, I think their final message would be Screw You rather than the So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish farewell Douglas Adams imagined. The sea otter does, however, have a shorter tail than the river otter. The sea otter is the largest member of the weasel family. The maximum lifespan for male Nothern Elephant Seal is age 14; for females it is to age 20. The sea otter is the "fluffiest" among these three animals. Thanks for signing up for Ocean Conservancy emails. River otter mothers care for their pups until they are between six and twelve months old. Asian small-clawed otters have a body length of 30-45 cm (12-18 inches) and a tail length of 15-25 cm (6-10 inches). Travailleur Autonome Gestion michigan department of corrections directory; But how do we tell the difference between river otters and sea otters? There are a few exceptions: The Galpagos fur seal and the Monk seal are both now have an Endangered status. Free shipping for many products! Not to worry, friends. They average around 2 feet in length and weigh around 10 pounds. What is natural is not inherently good or evil: It simply is, and wed be fools to take such examples as models of right or wrong. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. On average, river otters have two to three pups per litter with the pups going off on their own after about six months to a year. And always keep in mind where youre looking if youre at the ocean, chances are youre looking at a sea otter as opposed to a river otter. How to Tell the Difference Between Sea Otters and River Otters Some river otters can be found in wetlands and lakes. Levick was aghast because he viewed the penguins in human termsas little gents and dames dressed to the nines. Fur seals are not members of Phocidae, and they are not true seals either. It may seem obvious, but if all else failsthe fastest way to tell what type of otter youre observing is to examine its environment. Taxonomically speaking, river otters and sea otters are different genera. Partially due to that, its believed to be the most endangered cetacean in the world, a category that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Asian Small-Clawed Otters have a classification of Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List while Sea and Giant Otters are listed as Endangered as of today. Sea otters often float at the water's surface in forests of kelp, or giant seaweed, and entangle themselves to keep from moving in the rolling sea. They are commonly known as pinnipeds. They spend time in the water foraging for mollusks, fish, frogs and crustaceans. : Feed on frogs, crabs, crayfish, and shellfish. Sea otters have the densest fur in the entire animal kingdom with up to one million hairs covering each square inch of their body. Wannabe mother primates may steal the baby of another and unintentionally starve that infant in a phenomenon called aunting to death. Dominant wild dogs may kill the offspring of subordinate members of the pack to make sure the alphas infants get the most food. Hindflippers rotate underneath to allow them to walk on land, Swim underwater using foreflippers like wings of a bird, Move on land by wiggling on belly and keep hindflippers straight out, Swim by steering with foreflippers and powering with hindflippers, All pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses) are protected in U.S. waters under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, according to NOAA. Sea vs Penguin - What's the difference? | WikiDiff Scientists believe this difference is due to the size difference between the two creatures. However, sea otters are only found in salt water and very rarely make their way onto land. There seems to be no crime too low for these penguins, he confided to his journal. difference between sea otter and penguin - The majority of river otters mate with multiple otters throughout the course of their lives, and they may have multiple litters in a year. Male giant otters average 26 to 34 kg (57-75 lbs. In Antarctica, the Adlie, chinstrap, and gentoo penguins flourished under warming that caused ice sheets to shrink. Both are good swimmers but when we compare the two, the seals win because of their streamlined bodies and flippers that enable them to move in water fast. or contact 1.888.780.6763, Seafood Species Vulnerable to Climate Change. : Most all seal species are carnivorous. Their swimming mechanisms are also a little different. are about 33 species in this family. Ribbon Seals have a maximum lifespan of about 30 years, but they likely live about 20 years. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Rather than being deviant, the behaviors were a regular part of penguin life, triggered by males associating a rather flexible interpretation of a females mating posture with receptiveness. Both are adapted to keeping themselves warm in the water. 8 Fun Date Night Ideas in Salt Lake City. The most famous in the United States, the California seal lion can be found all along the West coast of North America. 2Lemur vs. Koala; Panda vs. Wolverine (voting closed) WINNERS: Koala and Wolverine.Day 33/23: Fins and FlippersSea Lion vs. Sea Horse; Penguin vs. Manatee; Walrus vs. Sea Otter; Whale vs. Salmon (voting closed) WINNERS: Sea Horse, Sea Otter, Whale, and Penguin.Day 43/24: Horns and HoovesElephant vs. Horned Lizard; Rhino vs. Narwhal; Saola vs. Moose; Mountain Goat vs. Reindeer (voting closed) WINNERS: Elephant, Narwhal, Moose, and Mountain Goat.Day 53/25: Shells and WingsSea Turtle vs. Pelican; Sage Grouse vs. Whats the Difference Between a Dolphin and Shark? Many species of river otter inhabit coastal areas and are sometimes confused for sea otters. It has "toes" on its feet. We shouldnt draw the curtains over the aspects of animal behavior that make us cringe, as Levick did when he coded some of his Adlie penguin notes in Greek and ultimately decided not to publish his findings. Both otters have their own adorable way of caring for their young and making them feel at home, too. The limbs are modified into flippers. Thus, an otter is more closely related to a wolverine than it is to a seal. And kelp forests are good at storing carbon: a study in 2012 found that the presence of otters helped carbon storage in North American kelp forests surge. Otters have webbed paws instead of flippers, visible external ears, and a long, thin tail that is easy to spot. However, there some traits and features that make them different from each other. Sea Otters are a larger species of otter. Did you know that sea otters mate for life? The former can reach up to 5.6 mph (9 kph) underwater, while the latter, in North America, has a maximum speed of 8.7 mph (14 kph). Their gestation period is between 60 to 86 days. And amorous males of various species, including the noble lion, kill infants to make their mothers available for breeding again. Daily activities focus on feeding and grooming, interspersed with rest periods. The marine creatures also serve as fighters of climate change: their main preysea urchinslike to eat kelp, so by keeping the sea urchin population at a sustainable level, they keep kelp forests lush. Still, these two mammals are very different from one another. In what promises to be two close matches, Sea Otter will face off against Penguin, and ThinkProgress office-favorite Sea Horse will battle the severely endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. Do you think you can tell the difference if you saw them side-by-side? North American River Otter The sea otter we know is quite a bit larger in stature than the average river otter, the largest adults weighing up to 100lbs, heavier even than the largest river otter, the Giant otter (Pteroneura brasiliensis). These two similarly named and look-alike animals are, in fact, very different. In 2010, California Department of Fish and Game biologist Heather Harris and colleagues reported 19 individual cases of male sea otters trying to mate with, and often fatally injuring, harbor seal pups in the Monterey Bay, Calif. area between 2000 and 2002 alone. The Northern fur seal and Nooded seal are vulnerable. What is Our Oceans Role in the Transition to Clean Energy? River otters and sea otters might be similar in name, but these two different classifications and populations are actually quite different in many ways, in the same way dogs have different breeds. Sea otters are mainly native to the northeastern seaboards of the Pacific Ocean, so they arent spotted in areas like the East Coast or the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, river otters have a very different social structure from sea otters, often preferring solitude over a sea otters committed family structure. But if theres any marine vertebrate that wins the title of the squickiest, its dolphins. Habitat loss, water pollution, deforestation, and hunting threaten their survival. Cetaceans (whales, porpoises, and dolphins) are categorized into two main groups: baleen whales (mysticetes) and toothed whales (odontocetes). This is especially problematic in Monterey Bay, where there are more male sea otters than females. Another key difference between a river otter vs sea otter is their preferred locations and habitats. difference between sea otter and penguin - The Key Differences Between Seal vs Otter. Not all otters are created equal, especially when it comes to their size. The key differences between seals and otters are size, family, and their method of thermoregulation. For males, the difference is also significant a southern male grows up to 70 pounds while a northern male can reach up to 100 pounds! There was nothing obviously wrong with these rehabbed otters, but the trouble they experienced early in their lives might have made them more likely assailants. Not only is this useful for staying together, but it also keeps them away from the shore where many of their predators reside. What is the difference between the sea otter and the marine otter Who will you choose? They may look similar, but they are two different creatures. As ethologist Sarah Hrdy has observed, there are various reasons for infanticide. First, sea otters are two to three times the size of river otters and, when at the water's surface, they float on their backs, while river otters swim belly down like most animals. They are basically carnivores. Thank you for reading! We bring people, science and policy together to champion innovative solutions and fight for a sustainable ocean. The largest of the seal species, the southern elephant seal can grow up to almost 8,000 pounds and 20 feet long for adult males, while adult females are a bit smaller at 2000 pounds and 10 feet in length. While it may be obvious, river otters are found in rivers while sea otters are found in the sea. Animals Differences and Comparison for Kids. There are quite a few to discuss, as river otters and sea otters belong to different genuses of animal. A fully grown otter weighs between 14 to 45 kg and this makes them the heaviest member among the smallest marine animals. SeaQuest Blog For example, if you see a creature with flippers and no tail or ears, its clearly a seal rather than an otter. They feed on fish, shellfish, penguins, and other marine creatures. Although described as the smallest marine mammal this species is quite large as otters go, reaching as much as 80 lbs. Keep reading to learn more about what makes each of these species unique. Levick wrote an entire book about the seagoing birds on his return, describing the impression of the elegant avians like so: When seen for the first time, the Adlie penguin gives you the impression of a very smart little man in an evening dress suit, so absolutely immaculate is he, with his shimmering white front and black back and shoulders. But the species shocked and horrified Levick so much so that his four-page report Sexual Habits of the Adlie Penguin was purposefully omitted from the official expedition findings and distributed only to a small group of researchers considered learned and discreet enough to handle the graphic content. . Difference between Otter and Seal - Difference Betweenz Seals are larger than otters, weighing a lot more than them and growing much longer. The seal and otter are two animals that both love to call water home and have a face that can tell a thousand stories! They are also known as fin-footed mammals. Or at least Im going to tarnish their reputation as some of the most charming little beasties in the seas. Both types of otters need their coats to form a layer of insulation that traps air to keep them warm, and they certainly need it when areas like the Pacific dip to chilly temperatures that are often between 35 and 60 (and even lower than that as you move up the coast toward Alaska and Canada)! again or contact 1.888.780.6763. Honor A Loved One's Milestone Or Memory With A Donation In Their Name. Spot the difference: Asian small-clawed otter, sea otter and beaver
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