Hes not cold at all. To the point it's hard to explain to others especially because we're no longer together. Idk if its cause its cancer in that house or my super exhausted Jupiter giving me a savior complex but its kinda like familial love like no matter what he always has a place in my heart. The Ascendant person feels an unconditional love when the other one is around. It's very common to do with placements in this house. At last i also found out that he was hidding some parts of his life. However, I have a group of planets that fall my husbands twelfth house and hes had no complaint with it. So we became " friends" . When they found out about him talking to me they were furious that he never told me about THEM! The 12th house also has deep connections with dreaming, rest, and introspection. My 12th house Saturn conjunct his NN and His Chiron and Saturn conjunct my NN. When dealing with the spirit world, there are both positive and negative, you know good and bad people and spirits. Can someone help shed some light to what it means? I dream of him a lot. It means he has an inner conflict going on that is psychological in nature. Venus in 10th House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart It was a relationship that brought up many subconscious issues for both, but also very intimate, we shared a lot of stuff wed never shared with anyone before. The Venus person gets all silly lovestruck everytime they see their object of desire. Glad that its OVER!! I'm currently talking to someone where my Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter fall into their 12th house. Hi, Feeling. Do you guys think it's possible to have a (happy) relationship with this placement?Looks like it always turns sour. Weekend Love Forecast Leo Moon Mood With Some Dramatic STYLE, Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Someone help Ive done so much research on this but I was with this guy for like a year and then he ghosted me, disappeared deleted all social media, but I still dream about him and think about him frequently and its been 3 years. If he has Moon/Cancer, just know that you are dealing with an emotional and sensitive soul, which of course will make him insecure in his dealings with you. This is a very private house, and it holds all of our self conscious fears, most of the time we don't like this house activated especially if this is a person that will use this against us.If the Mars person is selfish and self-serving, he or she may use their knowledge of your bad habits, blind spots and personality weaknesses to manipulate or hurt you. Venus is the planet of love which makes him lovable by his likable behavior and persuasive way of talking. Guess that his Sun/Gem didnt like me pursuing him, but he toyed with me from time to time as he was, natch, curious about how I worked. But I ve never felt what I have felt for this other guy..and still sometimes feel. If neither one has any issues like these then the relationship does not need to take on such a heavy role and can then be about many of the positive aspects of this house. We are from different countries. I jokingly used to call myself serial monogamist. or I fail? It ended when I invited him to my fathers birthday and he just couldnt do it (insert childhood issue here). From all levels! In synastry, composite, transits, solar returns.always the bringing the worst. My moon falls in someone's 12th house. This Venus might even feel that there's something magnetic in their partner. It's difficult to let go with the person who touch our 12th house. because it hurts to know this about yourself, or just accept it. And I do, I don't ever want to judge or criticize him. Hi, Name Again. If he truely loves you, he will sooner or later find his way back to you. I really felt that I WAS him that is, until he started bashing me mentally and spiritually. I act so stupid around him and he makes it hard for me to think properly at all. It felt a bit cruel because he acted as if he was so I felt led on as he observed me slowly falling in love Anyway With my heavy Saturn influence ( Venus in cancer in 10th opposite Saturn + stellium in 4th house) I dont do well with non committed relationships and I felt what he did lacked integrity so I just left it there as I would not have been fulfilled. You say hes your EX-best friend. Those this mean that he's thinking about me a lot too? Or it can bring us confusion, misunderstandings, enhance our fears, and sometimes scare our darn pants off like when were having a nightmare. Venus in the 12th house Synastry ( Love that's hard to catch) - YouTube When Venus falls into ones 12th house things can get very tricky and vague. Helo There, Last year I was @ a party, with my friends. Feeling an intense attraction but beyond the physical, even that he was the personification for what I find attractive in the opposite sex. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. It's like the cuddling is saved for when the other really needs it. Double whammies. Years ago i was dating someone whom i had the same aspect with. Ill blink and its 1am. and NO MORE 12TH HOUSE PARTNERS FOR ME!! No way, jose. so the judging becomes like, omg i am judging myself kind of thing lol I beleive this is mostly for those aware and can face truth/accept themselves however greatly flawed and love themselves. It was beautiful and tragic, and the deepest feelings I ever had.. Thats one thing I have been thinking about since reading other threads on the subject..also what house does your Venus fall in in his chart? I also have my venus on their south node That's exactly what it feels like. We have opposite rising signs. Positively both can help the other overcome their fears, discover hidden talents, or gifts. And if they are thus planted in your 12th House, soon the fun begins with you feeling like you were run over by a truck or a fast-moving train. Well you can imagine how the proposition to be his off-time mistress set with my Midhaven in Aries. I used to dream about them a lot. And thats when he disappeared. (Waving with both hands) thanks much for the updates. Maybe its fortuitous that it ended early for you, sweetie. I wish I could see your charts so I could have a better picture of this. The 12th House is also known as the House of mystery while Venus symbolizes intuition and artful communication. iRecently i have met a guy in my office whose north node conjuct my 12th house where is my moon and mars. I thaught his strange behavior had something to do with this. Venus is a beneficial planet in astrology. I can only state that my 12th Houser ended up pretty much devastating me perhaps it was because of his Sun/Gemini in my 12th House and my Vwnus/Sag in his 12th House. It's probably love bordering on obsession. Despite their great physical attraction towards each other, the Venus person often feels saturated with mystery and attraction of the 8th house. Wow . game vault 999 login; extreme double anal; asian school girl porn; karma x nagisa story; jamf enable screen sharing; myq device is currently not in provisioning mode Will this ever end!?!?? Pretty much text book situation. But I didn't consider him anymore. My Lib Sun and Jupiter falls in his 12th. Where their intention was not to help but to hurt. I am fascinated by them, and the love I feel is otherworldly. I don't know where my venus falls in his chart. I have recently encountered a gentleman whose Gem Sun, Mercury, Tau Mars and North Node falls in my 12th. With him, it's never "goodbye," no matter what. the Venus person is allured into the partner's magical 12th house and held a dear captive there, but in NO way the Venus person would admit (willingly) that they have such strong feelings of love and adoration for the 12th house person. The 12th house belongs to the triangle of salvation or Moksha Trikona while Venus is a very spiritual planet. It was a weird sort of dance, attract/ repulse. I also have met two men, 1 in the past and the other one currently that many of my planets fall into their 12th house. Neither did he. This would extend to all aspects of life from music to clothes to cars to home furnishings. My Moon quincunx his Moon. Its possible the blind spot is yours, not his. Who knows! I still dont know WHY that occurred . The 12th House!! I think that aspect makes you see what you want to see in the other person, but not what is actually there. Venus in 8th House Synastry - Attraction, Intimacy, Secrecy To me and my daughter since we both dont have our dads. I remember I was passing by a tall guy, and in a quick thaught, I thaught: this one looks very handsome. Your email address will not be published. where is your Neptune? Its a 99% chance that hell hurt you, but what makes it bad is that the Mars person doesnt really know that they are. In fact, Venus is considered another guru in astrology besides Jupiter, which become exalted in the most spiritual sign Pisces. Any planet in the 12th house is aiming for something beyond its grasp. Wowza:) Mars conjunct Mars and Sun conjunct sun? Gah! I could feel something so deep. Mars in 12th house plus all the unease Im feeling is scary and terrifying. Because people that are confident don't usually like to point out other's weakness's or make them feel bad. Juno in Synastry, Signs, and Houses: Your Soulmate and Marriage I mean your spirits are communicating with each other, that type of thing. My 12th-Houser Sun/Gem Moon/Sag BROUGHT OUT MY OWN GEMINI COMPORTMENT, and then I also remembered that I had started out as Twins but that my Twin didnt make it in the womb. I've never felt such a connection before, the passion too. but I must admit they FASCINATE me!! I don't expect him to pour his heart out every second. Thanks Zahara, what you say makes sense. Venus in the 12th House of Synastry | Astrologers' Community Negatively, the planet person can use any of these fears as a way to control them, manipulate them or to use against them in some way. could you explain in detail why this weird connection happens in this 12th house? For instance, my Sun and Venus land in the 12th house of my ex/long term best friend. lol He also has his Mercury conjuncting my Sun in the 8th house and his Venus conjuncts my Venus as well as his Mars conjuncts my Mars. Please also note that having Venus in the 12th means very little without a lot of context. We re still connected somehow bit in a weird way :(. It's like they can talk about everythng and anything and often don't even realize it. He has sun conjunct saturn and he also has it with me in synastry as well as my daughter. Its a bit of a puzzle, really, and I may not be explaining it clearly, but I do see what you mean, Elsa, in mirroring tendencies. What's weird to me is that I can't decide if he's intentionally obscuring himself or if it is unintentional based on the nature of his personality. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Pluto in your partners 1st This placement can be very powerful between two people that are attracted to each other in a love relat Jupiter in synastry represents where we will inspire, encourage and instill faith in our partners, and even addthem luck. My Jupiter falls into this man, I no longer with but had a deep connection. I FEEL like he's controlling his emotions for some reason unknown to me. hes not so emotional with words but he is in action. Otherwise we kind of don't touch. Can he just not see it because of this placement? Its completely one sided, I have no hope. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. Lot's of non-verbal communicating. He could not and cannot change . But how can I be sure.. its the 12th house.. Hi everyone (waving)!! Thats an aspect of a battle between the Mars person & the 12th house person. Where your Venus falls in your partner's chart shows where you bring these energies into their life. These are unconscious impulses as well as the forbidden desires at least tried to suppress. The 12th house usually involves secret love affairs and unrequited love. It is a hard process . Some would be uncomfortable with someone seeping into their dreams or communicating with them in the ethereal realm. Im so sorry for the delay! His Venus is also conjunct my Pluto and we also have Venus square Venus. It's much like a therapist/patient relationship. It is strange how much this makes sense: I have my moon in his 12 house and he's got his Neptune in my 12. The 12th house is about secrets, fears, the subconscious, criminal activity, spirituality, ghosts, dreams, meditation, retreat, solitude, imprisonment, museums, hospitals, institutions, merging, imagination, the intangible, secrets, and the ways that you sabotage yourself. We were both unhappily married, I was her manager at work, she was head over heels for me immediately, I didn't even know she liked me for months. Venus in 12th House - astrology.community - Donuts Venus in 12th entirely depends on how well both people can handle Neptune. , Hey I would like to know more about the 12th house synastry I have my bfs Venus Jupiter and I think another place landing in my 12th house but my sun sign, Mercury, and Jupiter are all in the 12th house so idk if that has a lot to do with why its so easy to connect with him because I read and obsessed over a secret relationship but its way out in the open all over social media on both side and his family knows all about me and my family knows all about him Im just so confused like yea sometimes Im thinking hes not telling me all his feelings but I feel like I know him on a deep level and then I feel like I dont like he seems too good to be true it makes me automatically not want to trust him .. hmmm. He makes me breakdown so many barriers. So, know that their insecurities and feelings may get in the way of connective relationships. He bitches if i drink too much wine lol. Although much of the time we find out it's ourself. How do you reckon you and him approach 12th house matters like spirituality, illusion, Neptune stuff? You need to be clear in areas such as this, find out why you met this person or they you? What activity do you have going on between your S.O. and yes check your saturn sometimes saturn can point to what you don't likebut then again it cam be good and make you feel comfortable with someomethats why overall picture of synastry is so important!!!!! No WONDER I cant get it on for long with my Gemini partners . It is because mars is a harsher planet? This happens for me with my Neptune in the 1st house I can take in people's feelings, illness or a array of different things that pass through me temporarily.