The Moldova State University and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the main scientific organizations of Moldova, were established in 1946. Romania's border is shared with other five European countries: Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, and Ukraine. Despite a small contraction in 2012, Moldova's economic performance was among the strongest in the region during 201013. Moldova's hills are part of the Moldavian Plateau, which geologically originate from the Carpathian Mountains. Although Alexander I was brought to the throne in 1400 by the Hungarians (with assistance from Mircea I of Wallachia), this ruler shifted his allegiances towards Poland (notably engaging Moldavian forces on the Polish side in the Battle of Grunwald and the siege of Marienburg), and placed his own choice of rulers in Wallachia. [163] Moldova has also achieved a Free Visa Regime[164] with the EU which represents the biggest achievement of Moldovan diplomacy since independence. The political crisis that broke out in early 2013 was resolved with the appointment of a government supported by a pro-European center-right/center coalition in May 2013. Between the end of the Second JassyKishinev Offensive in August 1944 and the end of the war in May 1945, 256,800 inhabitants of the Moldavian SSR were drafted into the Soviet Army. The Moldavian SSR . She took tenth place with 109 points. when Bulgaro-Kutrigur and Serbo-Croatian South Slavs settled in Moldova. Based on the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) regional poverty line of US$5/day (PPP), 55 percent of the population was poor in 2011. Carpian tribes also inhabited Moldova's territory in the period of classical antiquity. Many families have their own recipes and grape varieties that have been passed down through the generations. Structural fiscal reforms would help safeguard sustainability. [20], The name Moldova is derived from the Moldova River (German: Moldau); the valley of this river served as a political centre at the time of the foundation of the Principality of Moldavia in 1359. 20 February Sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova emerged as an independent republic following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. [129], On 12 November 2014, the US donated to Moldovan Armed Forces 39 Humvees and 10 trailers, with a value of US$700,000, to the 22nd Peacekeeping Battalion of the Moldovan National Army to "increase the capability of Moldovan peacekeeping contingents. [64] After the failure of the 1991 Soviet coup d'tat attempt, Moldova declared its independence on 27 August 1991. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe, but wealth is far more evenly distributed than in most. [124][125], Religious leaders play a role in shaping foreign policy. Deforestation, demographic pressure, as well as excessive hunting eradicated the native saiga herds which is currently threatened with extinction. In 1971, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a decision "About the measures for further development of the city of Kishinev" (modern Chiinu), that allotted more than one billion roubles (approximately 6.8 billion in 2018 US dollars) from the USSR budget for building projects.[62]. Moldova has 66 cities (towns), including 13 with municipality status, and 916 communes. Although only 4.1% are ethnic Russians, Russian is still used as the main language by 14.5% of the total population. [187], The official language of Moldova is Romanian, a Romance language. Moldova has been an official candidate for membership in the European Union since June 2022. In 2012, the average age of women at first birth was 23.9 years, with 75.2% of births being to women under 30, and 22.4% of births being to unmarried women. [147], Once possessing a range from the British Isles through Central Asia over the Bering Strait into Alaska and Canada's Yukon as well as the Northwest Territories, saigas survived in Moldova and Romania into the late 18th century. Reconomica ", "Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part", "Download entire World Economic Outlook database", "This Massive Underground City is Filled With Wine", "Legea cu privire la seciile pentru reforma agrar n cadrul organelor de autoadministrare local ale Republicii Moldova Nr.129 din 02.03.92, Monitorul Oficial nr.3/80, 1992", R. Moldova are deja peste dou milioane de utilizatori ai serviciilor de telefonie mobil, "Orange launches HD mobile phone service", "the Government approved the licensing of 4G / LTE for mobile operators", Strengthening Social Cohesion and a Common Identity in the Republic of Moldova, "Statistical Yearbook of Moldova 2017: Results of the 2004 Population Census: 2. On 19 December 2016, Moldovan MPs approved raising the retirement age to 63 years[112] from the current level of 57 for women and 62 for men, a reform that is part of a 3-year-old assistance program agreed with the International Monetary Fund. The economy recovered from the drought-related contraction in 2012. At the end of 2005, the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) was established at the joint request of the presidents of Moldova and Ukraine. Although historical, the polarization based on ethnolinguistic criteria of the majority ethnic group reappeared with the national revival movement of the late 1980s, and, so far, there is no consensus regarding the mainstream identity in the Republic of Moldova (Moldovan or Romanian).[177][178]. When in May 1600, Michael the Brave removed Ieremia Movil from Moldavia's throne by winning the battle of Bacu, briefly reuniting under his rule Moldavia, Wallachia, and Transylvania, a Polish army led by Jan Zamoyski drove the Wallachians from Moldavia. Ruxandra Lupu, the daughter of Moldavian voivode Vasile Lupu who married Tymish Khmelnytsky, lived in Racov according to Ukrainian tradition. [43] During this time there were anti-Semitic riots, leading to an exodus of thousands of Jews to the United States.[44]. Moldova made its Olympic debut at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. [150], After the breakup of the USSR in 1991, energy shortages, political uncertainty, trade obstacles and weak administrative capacity contributed to the decline of Moldova's economy. Produsul intern brut n anul 2012, date actualizate, Produsul intern brut n Republica Moldova n anul 2013, date actualizate, Economia Moldovei a nregistrat o crestere de 4,6%, n 2014, i constituie 111 miliarde de lei, "Economia Republicii Moldova, n SCDERE n 2015; Ultimele cifre de la Statistic", "BNS: Economia Republicii Moldova a crescut cu 4,5% n anul 2017", "Salariului mediu lunar pe economie in anul 2018 este de 6150 lei / Editorial / Monitorul fiscal", "INS: Salariul mediu pe economie, n cretere n iunie", " 2018 ! In 1995 the country was admitted to the Council of Europe. Moldova joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Partnership for Peace on 16 March 1994. In August 1939, the MolotovRibbentrop Pact and its secret additional protocol were signed, by which Nazi Germany recognized Bessarabia as being within the Soviet sphere of influence, which led the latter to actively revive its claim to the region. Moldova in brief Destination Moldova, a Nations Online country profile of the small landlocked Eastern European country sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania in a region known as Bessarabia. Moldova River Dodon, leader of Moldova's main pro-Russian opposition, the Socialist Party, was accused of taking bribes. Despite being disfavored by the brief union of Angevin Poland and Hungary (the latter was still the country's overlord), Bogdan's successor Lacu, the Moldavian ruler also likely allied himself with the Poles. [67], On 2 January 1992, Moldova introduced a market economy, liberalizing prices, which resulted in rapid inflation. Plans for a union with Romania were abandoned,[64] and the new Constitution gave autonomy to the breakaway Transnistria and Gagauzia. Colonization brought in numerous Great Russian peasants, and the Russian bureaucracy imported Russian office-holders and professional men; according to the Romanian estimate of 1920, there were about 75,000 (2.9%) Great Russians in the territory, and the Lipovans and Cossacks numbered 59,000 (2.2%); the Little Russians (Ukrainians) came to 254,000 (9.6%). In 20012003, relations between Moldova and Russia improved, but then temporarily deteriorated in 20032006, in the wake of the failure of the Kozak memorandum, culminating in the 2006 wine exports crisis. Amendments to the Constitution affecting the state's sovereignty, independence, or unity can only be made after a majority of voters support the proposal in a referendum. An anti-government protests in front of the general prosecutor's headquarters in Moldova's capital, Chiinu. Due to the temporarily suspended militaty conflict with the Pridnestrovian Republic, this country was known as the last hot spot in Europe, until recent conflicts in Ukraine. [84] However, on 8 June, the NOW Platform DA and PAS reached an agreement with the Socialist party forming a government led by Maia Sandu as the new prime minister, pushing the Democratic Party out of power. [78] The large scale of the fraud compared to the size of the Moldovan economy is cited as tilting the country's politics in favour of the pro-Russian Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova. Main dishes include beef, pork, potatoes, cabbage, and a variety of cereals. In the early 13th century, the Brodniks, a possible SlavicVlach vassal tribe of Halych, were also present in much of the region's territory. [200] More than 2.0% of the population is Protestant including a growing number of Jehovah's Witnesses, 0.9% belongs to other religions, 1.0% is non-religious, 0.4% is atheist, and 2.2% did not answer the religion question at the census. Locals referred to the principality as Moldova - like the present-day republic and Romania's north-eastern region. Moldova (/mldov/ (listen) mol-DOH-v, sometimes UK: /mldv/ MOL-d-v;[13][14][15] Romanian pronunciation:[moldova]), officially the Republic of Moldova (Romanian: Republica Moldova), is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. [45] On April 9[O.S. Most of Moldova's Jewish population emigrated between 1979 and 2004. Serbia - $7,666. With a per capita GNI of $3,540, Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe as of 2020. In May 1919, the Bessarabian Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed as a government in exile. Slovenia - 2,060,000. The Metropolis of Chiinu and All Moldova (the Moldovan Orthodox Church), autonomous and subordinated to the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Metropolis of Bessarabia (the Bessarabian Orthodox Church), autonomous and subordinated to the Romanian Orthodox Church, both claim to be the national church of the country. [139] The lowest temperature ever recorded was 35.5C (31.9F) on 20 January 1963 in Brtueni, Edine county. Mircea Snegur was elected as Speaker of the Parliament, and Mircea Druc as Prime Minister. In August 2013, work began on a new pipeline between Moldova and Romania that may eventually break Russia's monopoly on Moldova's gas supplies. The group is still active and released their latest album in 2017. The head of state is the President of Moldova, who between 2001 and 2015 was elected by the Moldovan Parliament, requiring the support of three-fifths of the deputies (at least 61 votes).