Even with both Revolution developing years apart they had very similar desires and obstacles to face. if you can work out a detail. I would say that the actual number of people who really truly want a national divorce is very small, relatively small. Every child learns of the American Revolution at least once in their lives. So here you had Fox sort of at the apex of the infotainment. The French, Haitian, and American Revolutions were all sparked from the minds of the colonists, slaves, or lower classes who were treated with inequality by their own governments. I used to respect you. But how interested are Americans really and breaking up? Finally, according N12 and KAN surveys, respectively, only 45% of those who voted for any of the coalition parties and only 36% of Likud voters are in favor of continuing with this judicial . The French Revolution was not successful in forming a democratic government due to Frances history of a monarchy, economic issues and divison among its people. Most men are on horseback, fighting with swords. Youre literally not gonna know about one of the most consequential media scandals of my lifetime. Also the American colonies had an army of trained officials led by George Washington, to fight against the British. The American and French Revolution are both remembered in history as two major changes that would shape what we know today. I dont see so much national divorce rhetoric coming from the left. And now you can talk, but Im so bad about this. He didnt say, you know, Im gonna go down and beat you up if you dont give me the votes. I LOVE THIS WOMAN WHO MAKES UP DR. SUS RISE ABOUT BEING VICTIMIZED. They insisted on the implementation of new measures that would guarantee the natural rights of all citizens and believed that, as Rousseau wrote, no man has any natural authority over his fellow men, and since force is not the source of right, conventions remain as the basis of all lawful authority among men. . Weegy: The revolutionary war affected Loyalists by About one hundred thousand became refugees.User: What impact did many state constitutions have on the separation of church and state affairs? Is this intentional lying about the election for day, week after week leading up to the attack on the capital on January sixth. It is. Both The root cause: taxation without representation (American, French, or Both?) He specializes in the history of food and the environment, with a focus on beer and other alcoholic beverages. For the first time I started to see some reappraisals. Lets and hes a rhino. While the precise beginnings of the American Revolution remain highly debated, there are many reasons behind the revolution. Reasons for the difficulty in maintaining an adequate Continental force included the colonists traditional antipathy toward regular armies, the objections of farmers to being away from their fields, the competition of the states with the Continental Congress to keep men in the militia, and the wretched and uncertain pay in a period of inflation. Intentionally lying. Ive said this a million times to folks whove asked, well, how can all of these folks continue to vote for Donald Trump in spite of everything. So I wanna talk to all about one of the core causes. Well, we just heard some of the the ways in which this happens. I just dont pay too much attention to what she has to say. Years later, the Haitian Revolution then occurred. The American and French Revolution are not duplicates of each other, but they are very similar. The leadership in both countries at the time of their revolutions was certainly repressive, especially in terms of taxation. Right. Ive never seen it like this. you can read the same story and here, two totally different sides. How effective they can be? But to me, actually, it was part of what was funny. Compare And Contrast The American Revolution Vs French Revolution, In analyzing the onset of both the American Revolution and the French Revolution we can observe a slew of similarities that they share, along with a couple of ways in which they aren't so similar.The socio political climate was similar during these times where both the Thirteen colonies and France were fractionated into separate groups based on how loyal and comfortable they were with their current government.Along with that, there was much turmoil rooted disagreement about how people should be represented, and whether or not a monarchy was beneficial.However, the key difference during these two Revolutions was that the. But I definitely think that shes not totally off base on some of the things she says. And so what I would say And youve said this interesting thing right before those clips about keyboard warriors. In 1810, peasants in Mexico revolted because they wanted their own land and because food prices were too high. And so theres this absolute unwillingness to sort of say this is so far beyond the pale that Im gonna break with this kind of core sense of identity that I have. It would be a very, very different party. And if you were going to go against that cultural tone on the right, it was exhausting. I didnt see it certainly not prominently. Right. We dont, but we asked our focus groups about it anyway. On the ground, fighting in the American Revolution began with the skirmishes between British regulars and American provincials on April 19, 1775, first at Lexington, where a British force of 700 faced 77 local minutemen, and then at Concord, where an American counterforce of 320 to 400 sent the British scurrying. We know not to take them seriously. Shes never been conservative about anything. And now, would the Republican party be like that if Mitt Romney had won in twenty twelve and was running again in twenty sixteen. In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. And look, people are responsible for their own choices about the news that they consume. And Im with these awesome people who dropped everything when they heard the tornado had happened, descend upon Mayfield, Kentucky. Its very hard. The American, French, and Haitian Revolution all had the similar causes of a tyrannical government. Composed of seven states from the South, this new government looked to separate from a union that they felt was tipping in power towards those who wanted to threaten the rights of the South, especially slavery. Were clustering religiously. They then read, analyze, and compare and contrast each country's national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner and La Marseillaise, by answering 14 questions of varying degrees of difficulty. Yes. Which one is most important in history when we aren't using the bias of America. The American Revolution took place between 1775 and 1783, while the French Revolution occurred between 1789 and 1799. It tells you an awful lot. They just think one might be coming based on what theyre seeing around them. The American Revolution was a political separation between Britain and the original Thirteen Colonies. Which one of these revolutions was the greatest in relevance to the listing of mankind rights? Do you think its fair to say that those ideas caused these revolutions? The problem right now is that they listen to these people and I can see they take care of their families, they volunteer at dog shelters . The American Revolution was a war between the American Patriots in the thirteen British colonies and Great Britain. In September of 1774, the colonists called the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia and decided not to allow any concessions to the Crown. Both of the revolutions were liberating, but the French revolution was more violent and bloodier than the American. The French was influenced by the American Revolution because they saw how successful it was and thought it would work for them, The French Revolution was almost an exact replica of the American Revolution. A cause of the French Revolution was Louis XIV's pursuit of absolute authority. Second, each revolution rejected rule without representation. Its. My guest today is David French, newly minted New York Times opinion columnist and author of divided We Fall Americas secession threat and how to restore our nation. sooner rather than later, its getting very difficult to talk. Both governments attempted to pay off their loans by taxing subjects who had little say in the matter. And then, therefore, what that means is however far Trump goes or Marjorie Taylor Green goes, there appears to be no direction they can go that will put them actually truly beyond the pale. The French Revolution was not successful in forming a democratic government due to France's history of a monarchy, economic issues and divison among its' people. The leaders of the French Revolution were inspired by the American Revolution with its established representative democracy. People have dramatically different points of view can live side by side with each other, possess the same amount of liberty, possess the same rights of free association and all of the things that we possess to allow us to create thriving communities and we expand the sphere. My special favorite is one and you just heard some examples of this where theyre like, yes, things are so bad. We have seen media scandals. The others resulted in political changerather than social or economic change. Compare And Contrast The American Revolution Vs French Revolution. Or if youre a typical Democrat, you believe that the average Republican is a lot more extreme than they are. For one thing, despite winning their own independence, the leaders of the United States of America continued to enslave millions of people living in this new country. In June, the Third Estate met alone and declared itself the National Assembly. The Civil War was more than an unsatisfied party rebelling against a larger power, but a clash between two vastly different ways of life. But the idea that between the two people on January sixth, Trump, who wanted to overturn the election in Pence, who had stood by Trump every second of the four years prior, and who drew the line at a coup was going to then lose his standing and become a what happened to Mike Pences situation. So slavery, for example, violates that social compact in the most dramatic of ways. So thats a sort of a general principal. The war was therefore one fought by small field armies. Divisions along racial, class, and ideological lines frequently led to violence. So when Russia invades Ukraine, you can see this instant instinctive response on the right to oppose Russian aggression. Its difficult to pin point which country chose the best method, but we compare some of the facts and take a deeper look as to what was transpiring in both of these Revolutions. Britain did this primarily by imposing a series of deeply unpopular laws and taxes, including the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Act (1765), and the so-called Intolerable Acts (1774). And then number three, theres the question of identity. We make this sphere of liberty bigger. Theres theres pushback that says, well, voters craved this. All revolutions have many stages which they go through, these three stages are the main bits of a. The votes were all skewed in strange ways. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. Theres no such thing sort of historically as well. This is this is how things go. Shes there to fire up the the far right wingers. Oh, god. The French Revolution was fought by lower and middle class, and peasants. When the king called the Estates General, the Third Estate suddenly had a voice. They fought for their independence and release. This enraged the mob sparking the flame for the French. In France, the lower classes overthrew the Old Regime. And this week, were talking about the prospect of a national divorce. But Im not sure other people would vote for a gay guy. Show your support with Bulwark merchandise. The American and French Revolution are both remembered in history as two major changes that would shape what we know today. So thanks to all of you for joining us for another episode of the Focus Group. Although the Civil War and American Revolution shared many similarities, the Civil War differed in the fact that it was more of a confrontation of two opposing, In the first place, both the American and French Revolution had their causes that would change history. When it comes to the outcomes of each it seems as if the French Revolution created more change than the English Civil War did. Okay. Weve lived in this world. And Im talking to one of the most lovely people whos, you know, upped your eyeballs and debris trying to dig peoples possessions out of this catastrophe. If that social compact gets threatened, then we face real problems. Thats the exhausted majority. Right. Thats the dynamic. Both revolutions followed the anatomy of a revolution and had comparable causes, however the French Revolution politically better outcomes, whereas the Latin American Revolution resulted in poverty and lost territory. Both countries have many differences and similarities, ranging from the individuals fighting these wars to tactics and strategies they used to win. Suddenly, the Latin American colonies found themselves without a direct European power telling them what to do. In February 1861, a new government was on the horizon in the United States, known as the Confederate States of America. Although you may possibly get away with it. They voted for him twice though, then this to me, I find myself understanding these people and then also thinking that these are the most dangerous people. The American and French revolutions are similar in some ways but different in others. And hes the Republican nominee. The American Revolution emphasized the idea of Montesquieu. But what do you think? Okay. After Christopher Columbus founded the New World, in 1492, many European nations began to form expeditions to the New World in search for gold. Both of the revolutions were liberating, but the French revolution was more violent and bloodier than the American. And so And Federalist Ten, what James Madison does is he talks about expanding the sphere of the American Republic. Make a prediction: How important were the Atlantic Revolutions in creating the modern world. Theyre not going to talk about their own lives and theyre gonna continue to say the mainstream media lies, the mainstream media lies, the mainstream media lies. Like religious faith and practices not evenly distributed across the United States of America. But, like, We asked these Trump voters about the investigations into Trump and they dont think any of them are legitimate and they cant name anyone they would trust. Always what about. We know a lot about that. The democrats idea of compromise, for an example, undergone control. The American Revolutionalso called the U.S. War of Independencewas the insurrection fought between 1775 and 1783 through which 13 of Great Britains North American colonies threw off British rule to establish the sovereign United States of America, founded with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. So yes, keyboard warriors are not the kind of people who are going to get in the streets. by. Then youll go to the daily wire. Again, it was like a little bit heartbreaking because again, it was a It was a perception thing, although I hear Democrats do this with Pete Buttigieg where theyre like, I would vote for a gay guy. When did the most disturbing pieces of data I have seen in the last really since Trump came down the escalator, which is I mean, Sarah, think about it. A powerful and popular general named Napoleon Bonaparte soon rose to power and declared himself emperor in 1799. Actually, just to back up your point, were calling it the anti anti national divorce sentiment, which is exactly what youre just describing. In the American colonies there was no set divisions of people and power, all social classes were equally affected by the government. Also the French Revolution consisted of a lot more violence than the American Revolution. The plantation system was dismantled, and Haiti became a nation of subsistence farmers who worked their own land. Its called two wolves. The nobility and clergy blocked King Louis XVI's attempts to raise taxes. Ron DeSantis hard to beat, well, lets just break up the country as most aggressively anti left. In each location, there was a noticeable trend of mistreatment between government and people. And then now, what what do you think? The French Revolution began in 1789 with the storming of the Bastille on July 14th. However, there is a difference that makes the American revolution succeeded while the French revolution doesnt. 4.6. So she has a role to play in the coalition. You know, every dollar we have says, out of many one on it and, like, you know, if its built into our American infrastructure and we dont live off to it, but we still have like the best tools. And and the question is is like, well, which one wins? Saying how wrong now. What what did you make of how the group reacted? These people arent advocating. The similarity between them is that the citizens in both countries, both faced the block of common economical development of the government. I mean, there were people who said, and I hear this all the time, or was like, look, as long as they got an r by their name, like, Im gonna wait for them. The people there are kind and unprejudiced. Mhmm. And people can do it for a while. The numbers dont seem to add up. Similar because of what caused both revolutions and different because of the violence that was used in each movement and the outcome from it. Revolutionaries were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment including individual freedom. Colorful drawings of soldiers In different colored uniforms holding heads on pikes. People who supported the French Revolution burned and looted homes and churches and they killed and beheaded thousands of people. For example, during the American Revolution the British 13 original American colonies were fighting for their independence against Great Britain. The similarity between them is that the citizens in both countries, both faced the block of common economical development of the government. So for example, going back several years, single payer healthcare would be an incredibly low support for Republicans. Their society was split into two groups. At any given time, however, the American forces seldom numbered over 20,000; in 1781 there were only about 29,000 insurgents under arms throughout the country. East Tennessee had a lot of unionist sentiment. This is all political. You know, I dont know. And so we saw this in the Trump era in abundance. I mean, its the hot air, you know, its coming. The main difference between the American and French Revoultion was that one successfully converted to a democratic government and one did not. The American Revolution led to the creation of a democratic republic. The years 1750-1900 are better known as the Revolution Era. The American Revolutionalso called the U.S. War of Independencewas the insurrection fought between 1775 and 1783 through which 13 of Great Britain's North American colonies threw off British rule to establish the sovereign United States of America, founded with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. towards conflict, towards division away from honesty, mean, just look at the Fox News revelations regarding the twenty twenty election, there is such an incredible pressure to conform with that Trumpist culture now that its just radiating up and down the rightward part of the spectrum. The French were under a monarchy so the only option they had was to overthrow their king a create a republic. Alright. In Haiti, slaves brought over by the French who captured the island, and forced them into brutal labor in what was the most valuable and wealthy are at the time. I. dont really understand what shes saying. Thats the key here is that. Direct link to Quinn H.'s post Which one is most importa, Posted 9 months ago. I mean, which okay? We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink a federal government. Canada: The influence of the American Revolution, Explore highlights of the Revolutionary War, which won 13 American colonies their political independence from Great Britain, Paul Reveres ride and the Battles of Lexington and Concord, The Siege of Boston and the Battle of Bunker Hill, The surrender at Saratoga and French involvement, Final campaigns in the South and the surrender of Cornwallis, The status of naval forces at the outbreak of war, French intervention and the decisive action at Virginia Capes, Causes and Effects of the American Revolution, https://www.britannica.com/event/American-Revolution, Econlib - Benefits of the American Revolution: An Exploration of Positive Externalities, Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum - American Revolution, American Battlefield Trust - American Revolution Timeline, Humanities LibreTexts - American Revolution, American Revolution - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), American Revolution - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), skirmishes between British regulars and American provincials on April 19, 1775. The government and leadership in France was corrupt as they were in much debt. Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall is Professor of History at California State University - San Marcos and a specialist in French and Haitian history.In addition to The Abb Grgoire and the French Revolution, her books include Haitian History: New Perspectives (Routledge, 2012) and Slave Revolt on Screen: The Haitian Revolution in Film and Video Games (University Press of Mississippi, 2021). Compromise is give a little and take a little. But then if you tell them about, say, the Seth Rich conspiracy theory coming out of Fox or all of the Dominion nonsense coming out of Fox, that doesnt tell them to distrust Fox. that is exactly how this group was. Okay. They had the same reason to revolt as the colonist did, they both felt like they were being oppressed, overtaxed and felt like they were. you should take her seriously, but not literally. And so I wonder if this is one of those things where people like over and besides how another set of people thinks about something, and the actual number of people who might want a national divorce is actually very small. But, like, you know, when we talk to Dans and we ask them about the Supreme Court, for example Mhmm. Across right wing media. Good standing. But they also rejected the authority of distant aristocratic rulers. This is the kind of group where you see the most change. The first French Republic radically changed the political and social structure of the country. Painting of several men holding another man down, who has been covered in tar and white feathers. Even then theyd find ballots back to somebodys trunk, but it was a lot more difficult. He joins Sarah to talk about whether (and how) the United States holds together; and the task of rebuilding trust in our institutions. Author of. However, there were also differences as far as political, economic and social causes were concerned. JVL? You know, the mainstream media will call it out when the left messes up. just gonna kinda keep her to arms length. Both countries have many differences and similarities, ranging from the individuals fighting these wars to tactics and strategies they used to win. And. And they do these great studies sometimes around how we perceive our ideological opposition and we often impute much deeper things onto them than is true in terms of what they really believe. Like, on a government building, that was unimaginable. And the the more in common data is both reassuring and not its reassuring in the sense that what it says is, look, the vast bulk of us are not in these polarized edges and extremes. France was defeated, humiliated, and in even more debt than the British. He joins Sarah to talk about whether (and how) the United States holds together; and the task of rebuilding trust in our institutions. Right? All Rights Reserved. The French populace was divided into three estates. Use evidence from this article and other material in this lesson to defend your claim. And one of the things I talk about a lot is my favorite parable, I guess. So one of the things you talk about that I also talk about. But if youre not exerting that as a force of will, you leave the field to the people who are deadly serious about this stuff. So all of the major social, political, cultural religious forces are pushing us apart into separate camps. And they would have been part of that old coalition, and theyre different now. Yes. What factors led to the Atlantic revolution? Direct link to layladuran.2007's post What factors led to the A, Posted 10 months ago. right now. The French Revolution was a fight between the french citizens and the french monarchy, seeking to overthrow the french king. Right? These two powers joined Austria and other European nations in the war against Revolutionary France that had already started . And thats what really concerns me. The French navy in particular played a key role in bringing about the British surrender at Yorktown, which effectively ended the war. Divided We Fall: Americas Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation (by David French), https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/26/opinion/fox-news-lies-dominion.html, Learn more about your ad choices. Because then youre aiming straight at liberty. But if were in a position where its even possible, thats a scary thing. Though they received no formal training, they were not so dependent on a book knowledge of military tactics as were many of the Americans. So theres somebody else on the other side. About living in a blue state. No, its more secure. Copyright 2023, Bulwark Media. You can be frustrated at how contentious politics are. We are not united. I see this buildup of of, like, a different type of civil war, almost, where its, like, its not a civil war of fighting, its a civil war of works. This is actively bad for the country. The all-day siege and capture of the royal fortress by a mob of revolutionaries resulted in more than 100 dead or wounded rioters, as well as the murder of the fortress' military governor, Bernard-Jordan de Launay. So I feel like Im in this kind of whirlwind of trying to fact find. On July 14th, the Parisians responded by storming the royal prison, called the Bastille. Yeah. Similar to the French, it also started because of wanting equality rights. They see a, like, a mirror image on the other side. INSTEAD OF A BLUE STATE. It occurred between the years 1765 and 1783, resulting in a lot of bloodshed and casualties. Our focus grew to have some thoughts. So how much have we built sort of this cultural stream that is now so powerful that any given individual cant really stand in front of it anymore and say no more no more And however, here is where I will say that Im seeing some signs of hope. Fire the guy who called this race. The Haitian Revolution (1791-1808) was, more than any other, a social revolution for human rights and equality regardless of skin color. Will see you guys again next week. Like, as I was watching group. Keyboard warriors are also not the kind of people who are going to stop something once it starts unfolding. And that was that. Yes. You know what? And heres the other thing. And theyre just scientists people, but theyre still quite, I would say, of the right in almost all the ways. That cannot be taken away by living as a red minority in a blue state or a blue minority in a red state. This is a group that dislikes Donald Trump, wants to move on to Ron DeSantis. And thats enough in close states to really make all the difference. I mean, if you ask them about Merrick Garland, like, talk about someone whos tanking with them. Theyre telling you that theyre trying to find answers. This is a great way to get students to think in depth and compare and contrast the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Russian Revolutions.The worksheet is sold separately and its called: World History: Comparing American, French, and Russian Revolutions This is an extension to another assignment that only compares the American and French Revolutions. Oh, man. The French Revolution was very bloody because the militant resistance were ordered by the French monarchies. Mhmm. It can happen. You literally wrote the book on the potential of a national divorce. And then became socialized differently through the course of Donald Trump. The years 1750-1900 are better known as the Revolution Era. Two priestsMiguel Hidalgo and Jos Morelosled the insurrection, but it was eventually put down by wealthy Creole landowners with the support of the Catholic Church. Like, is that really what its about? Yes. Thats right. And after January sixth, Trumps approval rating with Republicans stayed very high, very slight downslope, very slight. Everywhere the French went, they ended feudalism, promoted equal rights and religious tolerance, and modernized government administrations. John Locke an American enlightenment thinker thought people had natural rights and that government should have limited power. And the answer is the one you feed. In 1777, French volunteers began arriving in support of the revolution, and in 1778 the French government officially allied itself with the new American country against the British. So prior to the election, Fox and Trump, both of them, and you can go back and you can see the clips and read the reports. Jos de San Martnanother liberal revolutionaryled a revolt against the Spanish in southern Latin America. Theyre a lot more commonality than we believe. By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions: At the end of the third close read, respond to the following questions: A painting shows a city on fire. One is theres always a what about Yep. What did the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man have in common? A less radical declaration of independence followed in 1821 through an alliance of rich Creole elites and more conservative clergy.