Houston S. Chamberlain's 1923 Letter to Adolf Hitler - Renegade Tribune He published in 1899, in Munich, a very large book entitled the Foundations of the 19th Century5 (Grundlagen des 19 Jahrhunderts). Like Hegel, Chamberlain praised the Greeks for inventing freedom and the key notion of personality: Over there, in Asia, in the East, no man had ever been a person. Rome was destroyed by the Jews because it had not protected the purity of its race and because it was never able to lead a proper racial war: a total war of annihilation. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jerusalem is to be destroyed: an imperative the Romans followed at least twice, to crush the rebellions of those Jews who spend their time revolting against every state order because their race was synonymous with chaos. What Did Hitler Believe? - ThoughtCo Chamberlain indulges in the most appalling stereotypes of the. Historians must therefore make the effort to understand that, for Chamberlains coevals, his book was important in that it provided an answer, at the time, to important questions and, to a larger extent, tried to give a meaning to history. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Methodenkritik, in Archiv fr Kulturgeschichte, 64, 1972, pp. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was a British-born naturalized German natural scientist, and author of popular scientific and political philosophy books (includes those on Richard Wagner, Immanuel Kant and Johann Wolfgang Goethe) as well as proponent of a nationalist and pan-Germanic antisemitism. Houston Stewart Chamberlain Full . Chamberlain's ideas on race were greatly influential to Adolf . 2 19 20 . Houston Stewart Chamberlain (; 9 September 1855 - 9 January 1927) was a British-German philosopher who wrote works about political philosophy and natural science. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. File:Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1600-06, Houston Stewart Chamberlain.jpg Das Rassen- und Nationalittlose Vlkerchaos des sptrmischen Imperiums, In the end, Rome triumphed. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was an Englishman who had married Richard Wagner's daughter. They settled down in Greece and Rome, enjoying the benefits of cultural photosynthesis, thanks to the sun and mild climate of the Mediterranean. Silent nature awakes to the consciousness of itself, . . Enqute sur la gense de lhistoire de lart, Paris, PUF, Perspectives Germaniques, 2000. The son of a naval officerhis father was an admiral in the Royal Navy , he spent his whole youth travelling around Europe. Hitler, Adolf, private talk from Oct. 21st, 1941, Fhrerhauptquartier, quoted in Hitler, Adolf, Den Jesus knnen Sie nicht zum Arier machen, das ist Unsinn. The Europe the Romans had ambitioned was saved by a racial messiah: the Germanic tribes which, by invading the Empire, preserved the continent and its civilization. Es war hohe Zeit, dass der Retter erschien, 1941-1944. Despite his English birth and family, his early indifference toward England and all things English developed into a lifelong hatred. Twisted Cross. Only 1869 did Richard Wagner authorize its publication under his name. Farewell! , Leipzig, 1869. He resented Chamberlain for not being aware of that scourge. Field, Geoffrey G., Evangelist of Race. I also examine Chamberlain's influence on Nazism and suggest that """Na taj nain pripremljeno je tlo za novu rasu nadovjeka"", . In these publications, Chamberlain emphasized the heroic Teutonic aspects in the composers works. He also wrote numerous books on the theory of races, among which an important collection called Race and Humanities2 that earned him fame and glory in his later years, under the Third Reich. (1855-1927) Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the Anglo-German race theorist and philosophical and . She married Siegfried, Richard Wagners only son, and was considered the only true custodian and bailiff in Bayreuth after Siegfrieds death, as well as a sort of muse for Adolf Hitler, whom she greatly admired. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland. Before praising the Romans for being good lawyers, he blames them for their lack of creativity: Can you find one single poetic genius among the Romans? This would be taught in the ideological courses every member of the party (among which, members of the SS) had to take. The son of a naval officerhis father was an admiral in the Royal Navy , he spent his whole youth travelling around Europe. Meuchelmrderisch hatte sich der asiatische und afrikanische Knecht bis zum Thron des rmischen Imperiums hinaufgeschlichen, inzwischen der syrische Bastard sich des Gesetzeswerkes bemchtigte, der Jude die Bibliothek zu Alexandria benutzte, um hellenische Philosophie dem mosaischen Gesetze anzupassen (). They then left testimonies of their genius in immaculate and pristine temples that were currently used, in the 19. century, to demonstrate the superiority of white mankind. Chamberlains later works included studies of Kant (1905) and Goethe (1912), various essays defending Germanys military efforts and aims during World War I, the autobiographical Lebenswege meines Denkens (1919; Paths of My Thought), and Rasse und Persnlichkeit (1925; Race and Personality). The self-taught student had found his philosophical stone and was ready to share his revelation, to the public. Delenda est Carthago, but this time for gooda word to the wise for people who were sent fighting the new Carthage of Jewish bolshevism on the Eastern front. Writers like Arthur Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain derived an additional hierarchy, which gave white-skinned people an internal hierarchy. Nearly as significant and important was the fact that, thanks to the Roman conquest, the Greeks finally turned their back to the East, in other words to Asia: Without Rome, undoubtedly, Europe would have been a mere perpetuation of the Asian chaos. Dass der Schwerpunkt der Kultur endgltig nach Westen verlegt, dass der semitisch-asiatische Bann gebrochen (), dass das vorwiegend indogermanische Europa nunmehr das schlagende Herz und das sinnende Hirn der ganzen Menschheit wurde, das ist das Werk Roms, Ibid., p.168. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was a British-born German author of books on political philosophy, natural science and Richard Wagner. Houston Stewart Chamberlain 4: Hans Gnther 5: Hitler and Mein Kampf . Off we go. The Syrian bastard had taken possession of laws, and the Jew used the Library of Alexandria to adapt Greek philosophy to the Mosaic Law (). The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, New York, Columbia University Press, 1981, 565p. 5 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Munich, Bruckmann, 1899, 1031p. (2 volumes). Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1912). You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. The Jews are a case in point; if a man possesses a sacred book, which contains all wisdom, then all further investigation is as superfluous as it is sinful: the . Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a social Darwinist and a true racist. that 'nothing is more dangerous than to attempt to in - JSTOR The Teutonic warrior is therefore celebrated by Chamberlains book with the same resonating fury as Wagners operas: Without him, the Indo-Europeans would have disappeared. 325-363. Beck, 1999, 534p. NF, Beat, Von Perikles zu Hitler? He published in 1899, in Munich, a very large book entitled the. Contrary to what is being taught by those who are too lazy to think and by flagrant historical lies, the Germanic invasions did not destroy the Empire but saved it from its fatal jewification and degeneration. Silent nature awakes to the consciousness of itself6. He eventually settled in Dresden, Germany, after his Prussian tutor had filled his young mind with Teutonic tales of Germanic greatness. As they wanted to destroy anything that was not Jewish, they fought against the Greeks. If Germanic blood is not protected against the Jewish infection, Europe will perish. Houston S. Chamberlain books - Free PDF books - Bookyards I, chap. . Nineteenth century racist thinkers, such as Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Guido von List as well as racist politicians like Georg von Schnerer exerted a significant influence on many in the generation of Adolf Hitler. Chamberlain is not the first eccentric who is championing this very bizarre causeperhaps bizarre only to us. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary (M a h b h r a t a) 4 Translation from the German, based upon the 8th edition of Arische Weltanschauung, published by F. Bruckmann A.-G., Munich 1938 5 Dedicated to the indologist Leopold von Schroeder Chamberlain devotes some 500 pagesnearly half the bookto that period, providing his reader with ample material on Rome, Greece and the Jews as well as on another sacrosanct trinity: Athens, Rome and Jerusalem. He then joined the Nazi party before he passed away in 1927. 19Although he did not agree with everything he had written in the Foundations, Hitler knew how to value such honour. Chamberlain scorned this racial chaos of the late Roman Empire, which destroyed any racial and national principle, this chaos of peoples of the decadent Roman Empire being a capital sin against nature. Johann Chapoutot, From Humanism to Nazism: Antiquity in the Work of Houston Stewart Chamberlain ,Miranda [Online], 11|2015, Online since 23 July 2015, connection on 05 March 2023. Die Nazis erklrten ihn zu ihrem Vordenker. This is a draft section of a chapter in my forthcoming Ph.D., in which I explore the racial and theological theories of 19th-century German philosopher Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Greek and Roman antiquity play an essential part in his argumentation. He became a member of the Wagner circle and grew quite intimate with the family of the Meister whose daughter, Eva, he ended up marrying. Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone / Multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal on the English-speaking world. What mattered to them was biology and race, not the law or a mere artificial citizenship. In the 1031 pages of the two volumes, Chamberlain borrowed ideas from the leading sciences of . The idea of physical race unity and rice purity, which is the very essence of Judaism, signify the recognition of a fundamental physiological fact of life; wherever we observe life from the hyphomycetes to the noble horse we see the importance of "race"; judaism made this law of nature sacred. But in his book, Chamberlain laid down the foundations for a vision of history that was to nurture the Nazi Weltanschauung. He spent his winters in Cannes and springs in Florence. Lu et admir par les principaux idologues nazis, dont Hitler, il devient, peu avant sa mort dans les annes 1920, un des matres penser de leur mouvement. These people are too stupid to think for themselves, . 29 results in SearchWorks catalog - Stanford University After France, Italy, Belgium, he ended up in Vienna, then in Geneva, where he earned a Bachelors degree in Science. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1996. 5 Athens represented, for Chamberlain, the beauty of ideas and the greatness of philosophy, which as such is not a very original idea. I am deeply upset. There is the force that stems from chaos and in turn leads to chaos, and there is the force which shapes the cosmos27. Frithjof Hallman On September 9, 1980, the 125th anniversary of the birth of Houston Steward Chamberlain, the renowned philosopher and son-in-law of the composer Richard Wagner, was celebrated by West German conservatives. What is left of Rome today is no other than a landscape of ruins which looks like the white skeleton of a dead civilization. Chamberlain could very well have been a poor mans Hegel: rewriting the history of civilization in a less than talented way, apologizing for not being able to elaborate further on what he was talking about because it would take too long and writing much nonsense on the science of the time which he was already busy repudiating. 18 Copy quote. In very ancient times, Germanic tribes had come from the north to colonize the south. Furthermore, his belonging to the Wagner family was a letter of credit and a sign of distinction in the small but growing world of the far right movements. Johann Chapoutot. Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Oktober 1923, quoted in Stackelberg, Roderick, Winkle, Sally. cit., pp. Houston had an enthusiasm towards superiority of the "Teutonic" race, a category that he used synonymously with "Aryan" and "Germanic." because of Houston's beliefs, he soon became a well-known writer for his articles on . Houston Stewart Chamberlain Aryan World-view Because truth lays beyond the reach of the intellect, we can't use words for it. ), British-born Germanophile political philosopher, whose advocacy of the racial and cultural superiority of the so-called Aryan element in European culture influenced pan-German and German nationalist thought, particularly Adolf Hitler's National Socialist movement. . Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1600-06, Houston Stewart Chamberlain.jpg 367 599; 94 KB. () Where are the roman scientists? The known world, the oekoumene, reached its apex around the first century A.D., when the Romans, having conquered Greece, managed to combine their chtonian gravitas with the celestial intelligence and inspiration of the Greeks. Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1600-06, Houston Stewart Chamberlain (cropped).jpg 249 350; 70 KB. If you read the book carefully, the notion of plague as a potential threat is omnipresent. In 1923, ten years before Adolf Hitler was appointed as Reich . Only 1869 did Richard Wagner authorize its publication under his name. Ludwig Schemann exerted a great intellectual influence on the other members of the Wagner circle, popularizing what people started to call the Vlkisch ideology3: to fight against the (revolutionary) French idea of Nation based on the (false) assumption of equality. In Chamberlains work, the past is a warning for the present. 24 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Sehr geehrter und lieber Herr Hitler 7. with the celestial intelligence and inspiration of the Greeks. Der Fanatiker will berreden, Sie wollen berzeugen, nur berzeugen, und darum gelingt es Ihnen auch; ja, ich mchte Sie ebenfalls fr das Gegenteil eines Politikers dieses Wort im landlufigen Sinne aufgefat erklren, denn die Asche aller Politik ist die Parteiangehrigkeit, whrend bei Ihnen alle Parteien verschwinden, aufgezehrt von der Glut der Vaterlandsliebe. they believed that the Nordic race had become superior because harsh climatic conditions . He became somewhat of a war hero during the First World War, during which he was a talented propagandist against his own country, Great Britain. Samuel Beckett : Drama as philosophical endgame ? 26 Sie sind ja gar nicht, wie Sie mir geschildert worden sind, ein Fanatiker, vielmehr mchte ich Sie als den unmittelbaren Gegensatz eines Fanatikers bezeichnen. We find that actual, concrete knowledge, that is, the great work of toilsome discovery, has one deadly enemy, omniscience. Auswirkungen der Entjudaisierung Christi im 19. und. 10, p.153. This race of heroes which carried out a Herculean task by creating the, was defeated by hybrid weaklings from Asia minor, Greeks and Jews who infiltrated the Empire and the most inner circles of imperial power, thus becoming the juridicial counsellors of the throne. By way of mixture and integration, the Romans changed and gave birth to a breed of mongrels, giving out the Roman citizenship (, ) to every free man on earth. . circular tooth thickness formula; toba catastrophe theory; raising baby ducks for beginners; medical emergency number belgium; louise belcher hat, baby. The main postulate was quite simple: everything in human history and culture could be explained by race, as Schemann would later emphasize in the three volumes of his, . houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary It was not really a success, mainly because Hitler did not agree with Chamberlains glorification of Christian culture; but also because he believed that Christ was a mixed-blood; he who was born, according to the Fhrer, from a Roman soldier and a Palestinian prostitute named Mary21: You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus that is nonsense. Now I believe I understand that it is precisely this that characterizes and defines your being: the true awakener is at the same time the bestower of peace25. Doch nicht etwa der fleissige Konversationslexikonsredakteuyr Plinius?, in Chamberlain, op. 10 Diese Anschauung von der Bedeutung der Kunst entspricht auch, wenn ich nicht irre, einer spezifischen Anlage des deutschen Geistes. A translation from the German by JOHN LEES, M.A., D.Litt. Die Aufzechnungen Heinrich Heims, herausgegeben von Werner Jochmann, Hamburg, Albrecht Knaus Verlag, 1980, 496p., p.96. Mind, Jew. . His writing promoted German ethnonationalism, antisemitism, and scientific racism; and he has been described as a "racialist writer". I want to cry out, I want to weep.29. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was a British-born author of books on political philosophy, natural science and his posthumous father-in-law Richard Wagner.His two-volume book Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century) (1899) became one of the many references for the pan-Germanic movement of the early twentieth . Ohne ihn ging der Tag des Indoeuropers zu Ende. Blut von ihrem Blut und Geist von ihrem Geist, What is interesting, however, is the following statement: according to Chamberlain, the Romans and the Greeks, the founding fathers of our European civilization, were indeed Germans. Oktober 1923, quoted in Stackelberg, Roderick, Winkle, Sally, The Nazi Germany Sourcebook. His big eyes burn like fire. SpracheRasseReligion, Darmstadt, WBG, 2001, 464p. 4 Field, Geoffrey G., Evangelist of Race. In Aryan Worldview Houston Chamberlain discusses the importance of Indology in the effort to gain deeper insight into the essence of Indo-European thought. Was der Chamberlain da in seinen, Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890-1945, The second Saviour (with a capital S) is Jesus Christ himself whom Chamberlain celebrates at length in his book. 1.7 Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of Western History Like Theodor Fritsch, Houston Stewart Chamberlain represents an important link between the vlkisch anti-Semitism of the late 19th century and the ideology of Hitler and the Nazi party. Among them were Houston Stewart Chamberlain and many members of what historians later called the Bayreuther Kreis, an informal circle of members and friends of the Wagner family, including Cosima Wagner, the wife of the Master, and Ludwig Schemann. how quickly does holly grow. An analysis of Wagners drama (1892) and a biography (1895) followed. I want to cry out, I want to weep. If politicians had been more aware of his work, states would be far better off now, writes Hitler: Those who had the government of the country in their hands were quite as indifferent to principles of civil wisdom laid down by thinkers like H. S. Chamberlain as our political leaders now are. 22 Den Jesus knnen Sie nicht zum Arier machen, das ist Unsinn. In the 1031 pages of the two volumes, Chamberlain borrowed ideas from the leading sciences of the time (history and the natural sciences) and stood up for the dominant ideas, at the Belle poque, of the European bourgeoisie: in other words, racism, social Darwinism and colonialism. Houston Stewart Chamberlain Quotes (Author of Foundations of the 12/02/2021 . An Anthology of Texts, London, Routledge, 2002, 496p. 25 Es hat meine Gedanken beschftigt, wieso gerade Sie, der Sie in so seltenem Grade ein Erwecker der Seelen aus Schlaf und Schlendrian sind, mir einen so langen erquickenden Schlaf neulich schenkten, wie ich einen hnlichen nicht erlebt habe seit dem verhngnisvollen Augusttag 1914, wo das tckische Leiden mich befiel. This meant rewriting, mimicking and sometimes even plagiarizing parts of Hegels Lectures on the Philosophy of History, which, since it had been posthumously published in 1837, had become mandatory homework for those who wanted an easy introduction to the work of the great philosopher. SpracheRasseReligion, Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a typical member of the 19, century British gentry but had the most atypical destinya destiny which was built around the culture of two countries: England which he left early and Germany which was to become his true home. Hitler wanted the support of someone whose work had become a canonical book for the racist nationalists in Germany. The Jews of Semitic Carthage were defeated because the Romans (or Germans) were the best at fighting and winning. Hitler also held a view that Aryans had developed an ancient civilization . (). Houston Stewart Chamberlain as founder of modern racialism - Stormfront Nordicism is an ideology of racism which views the Nordic race as a superior and sometimes as an endangered racial group. Counter-revolutionary theoreticians exalted in Germany the biological idea of the Volk and coined the word vlkisch as an alternative to the French adjective national. They then engaged with the Romans: Carthage was a Jewish kingdom and Hannibal himself was some sort of a fighting rabbi! Houston Stewart Chamberlain b. He then joined the Nazi party before he passed away in 1927. Jahrhunderts wurde ein Weltbestseller. The fanatic wants to overwhelm people with words, you wish to convince, only to convince themand that is why you are successful. Publication: Author - The Unz Review , Health, Race and German Politics between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989. The early Parteigenossen of the 1920s or the people who cast their ballot for the NSDAP in the 1930s did not want the annihilation of Poland or the Holocaust. However, it was quite successful from the 1900s to the 1930s; it sold over 200000 copies. He eventually settled in Dresden, Germany, after his Prussian tutor had filled his young mind with Teutonic tales of Germanic greatness. Der Schwiegersohn Richard Wagners und engste Vertraute Cosimas war der fhrende Kopf Bayreuths. Rauschning, Hermann, Gesprche mit Hitler, Wien, Zrich, New York, Europa Verlag, 1940. View all Houston Stewart Chamberlain Quotes. The Superior Aryan Race . Summary With a . A true anti-Semite, Wagner wrote an essay against the perversion of the arts by the Jews entitled Jewishness in Music (Das Judentum in der Musik1) that led Friedrich Nietzsche to break with him but that gained him the affection of many dubious devotees. Die vlkische Bewegung im wilhelminischen Kaiserreich. It was high time the saviour appeared.18. Outside the rain patters! As a tribute to Chamberlain, and in the similar style of his book, Alfred Rosenberg, the chief ideologist of the Nazi party, entitled his own work, The Myth of the 20th Centurya book which was meant to be, with Mein Kampf, the gospel of Nazism. (PDF) Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Race Struggle of Western So they Aryanised him. It is no wonder that an Englishman like Chamberlain became part of the Wagner Circle for Britons were considered to be members of the Aryan race like any other German(ic) man. Chamberlain was brought up by relatives in France. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who spoke fluent German, belonged from then on to the sanctum of Germano-maniac racism, a group of worshippers who had gathered around Richard Wagner: Wagner, the bard of a reinvented Germanic mythology, who celebrated heroic figures of oneiric purity and had a slight tendency of considering that his agethe 19th centurywas leading white Germanic mankind towards decadence, degeneration and death. Houston Stewart Chamberlain - The German WorldviewAlexander Jacob - with Pedro VarelaLibreria Europa, Barcelona, 2007https://rowman.com/ISBN/9780761829126/Po. If politicians had been more aware of his work, states would be far better off now, writes Hitler: Those who had the government of the country in their hands were quite as indifferent to principles of civil wisdom laid down by thinkers like H. S. Chamberlain as our political leaders now are. An Anthology of Texts, London, Routledge, 2002. Houston Stewart Chamberlain is the translation of "Houston Stewart Chamberlain" into Croatian. (). 13 der rechtsmssige Erbe des Hellenen und des Rmers, ibid. Some 19th-century philosophers weren't content with the racism of White over Black people and other ethnicities. Before praising the Romans for being good lawyers, he blames them for their lack of creativity: Can you find one single poetic genius among the Romans? More importantly, they would prevent any further decadence and avoid mixing with inferior races, like the Jews or other crossbreds. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was born in Southsea, England, on Sept. 9, 1855. For "the most sacred of duties . 10, p.296, in the English translation by MURPHY, James, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1939, vol. PDF Aryan World-view, Arische Weltanschauung. - Archive Sein Buch Die Grundlagen des 19. 14Contrary to what is being taught by those who are too lazy to think and by flagrant historical lies, the Germanic invasions did not destroy the Empire but saved it from its fatal jewification and degeneration. As they wanted to destroy anything that was not Jewish, they fought against the Greeks. especially since Houston Stewart Chamberlain, a forerunner of Nazi racial ideology, embraced it. (Houston Stewart Chamberlain, 1855 9 9 ~ 1927 1 9 ) , , . The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. He was, for the Germans, the thinker who popularized Gobineaus ideas on the social Darwinists, providing the German bourgeoisie with a sense of its mission: am deutschen wesen soll die welt genesenthe German essence must heal the world. Chamberlain is unique, however, in the fact that he is the only author surveyed in . Die athenische Demokratie und die deutsche Althistorie bis 1945, Peter Lang, Bern, New York, 1986, 332p. 9 Decultot, Elisabeth, Johann Joachim Winckelmann. (). But it also disappeared. If only those elites would come to that same awareness, they would crush any opposition and rule the world for good. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary. Doch nicht etwa der fleissige Konversationslexikonsredakteuyr Plinius?, in Chamberlain. Having learned, from a very young age, at least two foreign languages, he almost wrote better in French and in German than he did in English. This attempt at completing the Nazi evangelium was not crowned with success: Hitler, who considered Mein Kampf as sufficiently self-explanatory, despised Rosenbergs reflections which Goering himself went as far as to call a mere philosophical burp. Was sagt man zu einer Geschichte, die mehr als 1200 Jahre umfasst, und nicht einen einzigen Philosophen aufweist, ja, nicht einmal das kleinste Philosphchen? And Chamberlain would not be the last to perform such a, under the Third Reich; for instance, an official Protestant church pledged to the Nazi party, . Literature. 20Houston Stewart Chamberlain died far too early to witness the rise of the NSDAP and the Gleichschaltung of Germany under Nazi rule. Were Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Neville Chamberlain related Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. He holds my hand and won't let me go. Off we go. Eugenics and antisemitism - The Holocaust Explained Not a Jew, by all means! They then engaged with the Romans: Carthage was a Jewish kingdom and Hannibal himself was some sort of a fighting rabbi! Christianity is, for the author, a pillar of European culture.