(Fordola once again makes a shield to withstand Lakshmi, but the effort appears to cost her.). Resistance Fighter: Commander! Im honoring Fathers memory. Shanti: The Ananta wish only that those who dwell within Gyr Abania devote themssselves to our faith You shall all worship Sri Lakshmi! Id like to hear what Watt thinks of the idea before agreeing to anything. (Fordola starts to walk out of the room.). How many of your Resistance friends have died at her hands, eh? Wiscar: Youve some experience hunting monsters, dont you, Diana? I dont have a head for details. Nanamo Ul Namo: Simply put, I would aid the refugees camped in Thanalan in their efforts to return to Ala Mhigo. How do I defeat one of those? You can end it like Zenosor you can fight for Ala Mhigo. With your winnings, you have become one of the six most wealthy souls in all Uldah. Seems things are looking up for Landebert down on Pearl Lane, as well as the rest of the refugees. No king. Aye, wellit would seem they followed him all the way to the Wall. Arenvald: Right then, lets go and find Master Leveilleur. I see that simply handing out sacks of gil wont solve everything, but I couldnt rightly tell you what to do instead. (Off to Kugane and the Ruby Bazaar Offices). Guild Wars 2 US. Id welcome any advice you could give us, Alphinaud. I agree with Your Grace that the refugees must have housing and employment, but what profit is there for Uldah in this arrangement? But now the war is over, all the unspent fury is being channeled into vengeance. (The Warrior of Light breaks free and intercepts the Enthrall once again.). I think I have an idea. v d e Should Watt wish to discuss figures, my knowledge of the nations finances may prove useful. Lyse: Naago! Nanamo Ul Namo: It was here, in this wholly unremarkable place, that my mother and father met their doom. Arenvald: Allow me to explain. A backstabbing bitch whod gladly betray her kith and kin to gnaw on what few scraps the imperials deign to toss her. Alphinaud: Of course. Now, assuming you will travel as adventurers are wont to do, I shall await your report by the aetheryte in Uldah. But someone has to make an effort at reconciliation if these conflicts are ever going to end. Raubahn: Ill return to my other duties, thenweve barely begun to investigate the facility where they gave Fordola her powers. The envoys have chosen to instate a government modeled on Ishgards House of Commonsa ruling body of representatives elected by the people. He has an important announcement to make. That took longer than I intended, but at least you know where I stand. Raubahn: Then we stand and fight together. I was but a child at the time. Raubahn: Aye, our stand against the Qalyana would have been brief indeed had you not volunteered for guard duty. Imperial Tribunus Militum: Do not believe everything you read. Fordolas Mother: Please! People are screaming for the Butchers blood again. Arenvald: In case a rival treasure hunter overhears our plans, you mean? Once Ive shared what Ive learned with the others, we should have no trouble keeping the shoreline clear. Diana, shall we start with you? Allow me a moment to change into something a touch less conspicuous, and I will join you outside. Alphinaud: Thatwas not exactly the reason, but tis certainly a valid concern. Arenvald: She means to enthrall everyoneWe have to stop her! To this day, it is not certain if the incident was simple misfortune or an expertly planned assassination. Are we to prepare for imperial counterattacks? Lakshmi: Again and again you refuse my giftDo not your sssouls weigh heavy? And then I had my blade. Arenvald: If he was afraid, that does lend credence to the talethough Im not sure how that helps us in our search. Truly flattered. Had I openly supported the cause of Ala Mhigan liberation, he might not have felt driven to do what he did Things could have been different, and Im sorry they arent. You are free. ), (The fleeing people reach the doors but there are more Qalyana there, along with enthralled Ala Mhigan guards.). Alphinaud: And ours too, if you please. Whether Raubahn chooses to remain in Uldah or return to Ala Mhigo, I only wish that he do so with a heart unburdened by guilt or regret. I conclude that our prize either does not exist, or that the imperials somehow overlooked it. Raubahn: Aye, but they cant well defend your guests and attack the primal, can they? (She turns to her Ala Mhigan friends who are joining up with her.). FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered . You are here for your audience with the sultana! Alphinaud: Then I shall come as well. Stand ready! You dont know a godsdamned thing about the life Ive led! Ala Gannha - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki (Alphinaud looks to the Warrior of Light). Lyse: It is our wish, and you are welcome. Come to have a good laugh, have you? As promised, I scoured the imperial records for any mention of fantastic treasuresand found precisely none. 70 . You are one of the few people to whom I feel I can speak my mind. I am well aware of his standing in the field of business. When I speak with the other leaders about reforming the army under the new government, Ill be nominating Raubahn as the overall commander of our forces. Come on, you dont mean that. You already have citizenship! Nanamo Ul Namo: You have given me much to ponder, Master Manderville. I have kept the promise made. It is just possible, I suppose, that a corrupt official deliberately hid the fact of the troves discovery, hoping to enrich himselfbut I find it rather unlikely that so valuable a find would stay secret for long. Nanamo Ul Namo: Tomorrow you will serve Ala Mhigo, and fight for the good of all Eorzea. FFXIV Guild (Crafting/Gathering Leveling Guides, etc. (Lakshmi begins to blast the room repeatedly. Did your merchant friend have any useful advice to share? Until next time, my friends! Arenvald: I wonder what hell do when everything here is settled I mean, its his homeland. Lyse: Then theyre going to be sorely disappointed. Such an arrangement will create a far more equitable relationship with the returning Ala Mhigans, even as it generates the revenue required to win the approval of your subjects. My dear Diana I have you to thank for thisrecognition, I am sure. What do you want with me? Weve made good progress since we took back Ala Mhigo, but theres one big issue we still have to addressLeadership. Lolorito: Naturally, Your Grace. Lolorito: A personal summons from the Scionsthis must be important business indeed. Mnaago: Aye, and its not just hereweve reports of mobs forming all over. Alphinaud: Surely you do not mean to Very well. Citizenship means nothing to them. Hm Ordinarily, I would not trust any agent of the East Aldenard Trading Companybut if you hold this Hancock fellow in high esteem, I am content to be led by you. Guaranteed. And now that she is free, I thought it only a matter of time before he sought my leave to return to her. (At the Unholy Heir, a huge tree east of Black Brush Station). We cant ignore whats happening right nowwe have to show people a better way than vengeance, or we risk giving birth to a new generation of Skulls I know its idealistic, but I want to help people to let go of their old grievances and make peace with each other. I believe I see the direction our adventure is to take. There's a new quest in Mor Dhona at the Seventh Heaven called "Take with a Tonze of Salt" that leads you back to Ul'dah. Lyse: Thank you, Raganfrid. Lyse: You can say that again. Youve come from every corner of Gyr Abania to help decide the future of Ala Mhigo. I need your answer now. You may move the camera as well as zoom in and out. Twas not my intention to draw out proceedings. Victory goes to the first adventurer to find the treasure! Surrounded as I was by liars and manipulators, I confess I dismissed it as a pleasant piece of theater. Alphinaud: Whilst you are busy attending to the local fauna, I shall have Master Watt explain to me exactly what is required to restore the Saltery to its former glory. My parents are good people! A fine young man youve become, Wiscar. Wiscar: Thanks, Diana. She stares back, then is hit with several Echo flashbacks. But it is no concern of yours. And here you are protecting her! Fordola: All rightFather, whats Lord Gaius like? Imperial Tribunus Militum: Deplorable. Were all determined to finish what we started. Arenvald, you spoke of lighthearted adventure, but I sense a deeper motive for this expedition. All of this is pointless. Thancred: I am not familiar with the Qalyana tribe myself, but Alisaies report suggested that they shunned contact with other races. Then I should be glad to tell you my theory on the resting place of the mad kings troveif you are minded to hear it? Arenvald: Wha I cant move! Raubahn: Tis a difficult tide to stem. Thank you for lending an ear. Indeed, I had resigned myself to his loss. ), Raubahn: A fine spot to contemplate the heavens The meeting is over. Fools! Nanamo Ul Namo: What trust can there be between us when you withhold the truth from me!? For it was during an official visit to the Coliseum that I first met Raubahn. Raubahn cuts the guard down.). The reparations you paid in the wake of your earlier misdemeanors will be used to fund the endeavortogether with the fortune seized from the late Teledji Adeledjis estate. Arenvald: There are too manyWe cant stop them all! Shes done terrible things, ayeunforgivable things Butin some ways, shes a victim of the circumstances in which she was born. Arenvald: Well lock her down as best we can. Over the course of your many adventures, you have met people from all walks of life, in every corner of Eorzea, and I would make use of your worldly experience. (Upon defeating monsters in here, most of them transform back to Hyur), (After defeating Hrodric Poisontongue, a hole cracks open in the ceiling and Alphinaud and Arenvald tumble through. Any suggestions? Myself included. Raubahn: Thank you, Your Grace. I should have Gah! I hear the imperial province of Dalmasca has already risen up in rebellionWhich means the Garleans must surely have their hands full. We spent altogether too much time fleeing fiends horrid and numerous. Resistance Fighter: A mobs gathered outside headquarters, and theyve started making demands. Very well, I shall tell you what I remember. Fordola: Father, what did that man call us? Imperial Pilus Prior: Have you read the reports? Arenvald: Diana, do you know of the rear entrance to the palace? And that is but one of their crimes. Alphinaud: M-Must we dwell on such momentary lapses!? And when he knelt before me to receive the winners purse, he swore that he would one day offer me his blade in service. Lyse: Oh, village elders, refugee leaders and the like. You sense power pulsating from behind its brow.]. I would follow the road to the Unholy Heir. ), (The choices are: Ala Gannha, Ala Ghiri, and The Saltery). Twenty years have passed since the fall of Ala Mhigo and five since the Calamity, yet the plight of the poor has grown more desperate, not less. Did you believe him, Diana? Hes very busy, and if we dont hurry, well miss our chance to see him. Starting Class Not specified Class/Job Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) Lv. Bring her out! I would be glad to aid you in rebuilding our nation. Fordolas Mother: Fordola, please! They say he started seeing assassins in every shadow, and wouldnt set foot outside the palace walls. Violent reprisals will only lead to more summonings. Lyse: Youre joking The mad kings trove!? Watt: What manner of mischief brings you young uns to old Watt this time, eh? Some dialogue may be slightly different for your character. Lakshmi: Why? Truth be told, it was a dark chapter in my life, and one Id sooner forget. Dont let your emotions color your judgment when she does. Come. (At HQ, Mnaago is holding off a group of several dozen angry Ala Mhigans.). Lyse: Butcher the? Arenvald: It wasnt all pretense, I swear it. * This code cannot . And I dont mean the Vira. Lyse: Shes starting to weaken! Theyll be more compliant once theyve tired themselves out. Shes going after Lyse and Raubahn! It would cost more to transport the materials than they are worth. Lets go. Raubahn: Hmph. Fordola: Its done. 0; 0; Quest Giver; Nanamo Ul Namo. Apologies for the interruption, miss, but the General would speak with you at your earliest convenience! After all, we were adventurers before we were Scions, were we not? Get some rest. Mnaago: My parents will be relieved to hear that. Marcechamp: Your Grace, you mustnt! Raubahn fights on the sands. Even now, my sleep is troubled by nightmares. Our first destination is Stonesthrow, just beyond the Gate of Nald. The liberation of Ala Mhigo will have far-reaching consequences, and there is a matter upon which I would seek your counsel. And my royal wish was duly granted. Forgive me! I shall return to the palace and have my ministers begin work on implementing the particulars of the plan. Given that they would have been at least twenty at the time, you will be looking for people who have seen forty summers or more. But standing about lamenting my naivety will not do anyone any good. Fordola: Ansfrid, Hrudolf, Emelin. NPCs ( 35) There are 35 NPCs in this location. Anything they can tell you about the king and his bloody deeds may prove useful, so be sure to listen well. Category:Ala Gannha Quest - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV Arenvald: I dont know about you, Diana, but the visions only come to me every now and then. But we will gain only fleeting satisfaction if we give in to our base appetiteswe will never know the truth! And since we know the court thaumaturge was involved, we can safely assume that any entrance into the old city will have been magically concealed. I bloody knew it! Wiscar: Inside its head, is it? W-We can do this! We shall find a ship to carry us across the Ruby Sea! Eager though I am to visit those shores, I have not the leisure for a lengthy sea voyage. So wed stand still as statues, trying not to imagine what horrors were unfolding within If youre hells-bent on finding out what happened in the palace, head down the street here and ask old Ernoldhe was the kings head scribe. I will meet with Lolorito. The rest of you need to run! Mnaago: I was patrolling the palace grounds with Thancred and Yshtola when we heard the report of a primal in the throne room. Fordolas Mother: Come along, Fordola! We tend to our promises, and watch as Ala Mhigo blooms. Precisely where and how to allocate the necessary funds is, of course, another question. Bring her out! Forgive me my outburst. We have piqued Loloritos interest and secured his invaluable expertise. Raubahn: Aye, it is said that once a creature has fallen under the sway of a primal, there is no salvation. Nanamo Ul Namo: No apologies are necessary, Godbert. I beseech you, then, Lord Loloritoshare with us your mercantile wisdom. We should leave the Flames to it. Lay down your weapons, lay down your heads. In-game description The Garleans are meticulous about such things. Arenvalds Voice: Oh, come on, you twowe might as well make it a race! Wiscarhow do you fancy explaining the sultanas plan to your grandfather? You need to kill her now! His Majesty ordered the court thaumaturge to unleash a vile curse upon the remaining members of the royal familya magic which transformed them into fiends of hideous aspect. They dont understand. My stupid mistake. Nanamo Ul Namo: Yes, my authority is limited. (Aim for the soft underside of the head!). You may repay my faith by journeying to distant Kugane and speaking with him on my behalf. We shall see you on your return. But theyll see in time. You spoke with Fordola, I take it? Raubahn: It is. It was not until later that I learned of the gambling ring which had arranged for Raubahn to die on the sands that day. Watt: Good lad. Lyse: That would be a question for the Resistances newest recruita military commander with far more experience than me! Alphinaud: Prior to the great flood of the Sixth Umbral Calamity, the salt lakes you see before you were yet dry ravines. I picked the saltery as the first choice, because the quarry town already was resolved after I came through, and they were planning on starting it up on their own terms. We need to evacuate these people right now, or the primal will make thralls of them all! That were blind? Nanamo Ul Namo: Indeed. Are you friends? But what of you, Diana? Alphinaud: It seems Wiscar has the Salterys security well in hand. Had a little peek at my past? Very well! I suppose it serves us right for challenging the Warrior of Light. Lakshmi casts an Enthrall, but the Warrior of Light steps in and deflects it away. I take it you know of Theodorics paranoia and the public executions of his kinsmen? Name. People will respond to passionbut not if its feigned. Dont you dare patronize me! Dont worry, its nothing bad. Alphinaud: Tis a long and arduous path you have chosen, but one well worth walking. You didnt come this far, climbing over the bodies of your own brothers and sisters, just to piss it all away! Arenvald: Could this scribe fellow have been spinning her a yarn, do you think? Lyse: Well fought, Diana. Violence will ever beget violenceas the Empire has learned to its cost in recent times. I could not have done it without you. The Peaks - Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 ARR Raubahn:Keep faith, lass. My husband and daughter are in danger! Youre just as guilty as them! Lyse moves to stop them as Alphinaud summons his Moonstone Carbuncle.). Lyse: Yes, wed all like to know about those, Alphinaudbut not everyones as comfortable interrogating royalty as you. But I got the job done. (Speaking to Lyse and Mnaago in Rhalgrs Reach). But I hated the animal Id become. Gallery . Wed be enthralled as surely as our sentries were. Pipin: Is this truly what you want, Father? ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery. Yshtola: One can never be too careful when dealing with the enthralled. Alisaie: Alphinaud has regaled me with a thrilling tale of hidden treasure troves, mid-meeting betrayals, unlikely alliances, and joyous homecomings. We should join General Aldynn inside, then. Once youve got their measure, you can tell me what to do, and well see how well I get on! ), (The junior Imperial officer moves to help, but his senior stops him.). Godbert: Most emphatically. This is the disguise I don when I wish to leave the palace and observe my subjects unnoticed. Raubahn: As of yesternight, I have been relieved of my post in the Immortal Flames and the Syndicate both. Nanamo Ul Namo: Nothing? I am impressed, Your Grace. And if we let you fall here, then wholl be left to stop her? While the other town in the southern area wouldn't be a good idea, because it's just that: a town. The Ala Mhigan residential area is mostly closed off. Now, the events I would speak of occurred before the occupationback when Ala Mhigo was still a monarchy, and Theodoric sat the throne. Nanamo Ul Namo: Welcome back, Diana. Twould appear this place is yet inhabited by King Theodorics kinor what is left of them. Target a phoebad and inspect it with . Then I propose we proceed from our respective entry points and look to meet somewhere in the middle. Godsspeed! Alphinaud: Well, that was unexpectedthough you seem distinctly unsurprised. After going to the trouble of winning it back, might he not want to stay? Lyse: We call it an army, but the Resistance is really a collection of smaller, independent groups. Let us return to Uldah and visit the Coliseum. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | Page 319 | SpaceBattles These are Qalyanathe ones that summoned the primal. We must learn all we can of these godsforsaken proceduresand Fordola remains our best source of information. I knew it! When they look to our example, will they see a people who held fast to their principles, or one who cast them aside when tried? I will welcome him with open arms, of coursehe is my most trusted advisorand my dearest friend. (Nanamo launches herself into Raubahns arms. Lakshmi: Leaders of Gyr AbaniaAccept my love. And when the mob see that, theyll think twice before throwing their stones. The guards were already turned! Speak with the blasphemy hunter in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. And we will have people standing guard. Please proceed. Butyoure right. Coldhearth [] A small isolated village that is the hometown of Raubahn Aldynn. Lyse: Thats not why were here, no. You should have heard him scream, Diana! Thus did I plan to strip the merchants of their power and place our nation in the hands of its citizensquite unaware of the consequences my actions would have for you and yours I shudder to think how many goodly souls paid the price of my naivety But I am no longer a child reciting words with witless obedience, and I will not be used as a pawn in the Monetarists damnable games! We have rights! And I strongly doubt the Qalyana have suddenly broken free of Lakshmis will. Lyse: In any case, summoning Lakshmi was the broodmothers doing, and whoever replaces her might not be so keen on the idea. Flame Scout: General Aldynn asked that you wait for him by the main gate in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Nanamo Ul Namo: And it has served me well. Not yet. Nanamo Ul Namo: How swiftly you identify the weakness in my plan, just as I knew you would. Nanamo Ul Namo: The local citizens will need to be consulted, of course, but I trust the East Aldenard Trading Company can be relied upon to provide its assistance in negotiating a mutually beneficial arrangement. She justshe wanted to fight for her country. But I ask you, brothers and sisters, to think not only of the family and friends who were cut down before your very eyes, but to think also of the ones who were abductedthe ones who may yet live! An adult Fordola walks up to a pair of Imperial soldiers. I shall consider my lesson learned, and press on. The matter of Fordolas sentence cannot be suffered to disrupt proceedings. And then we must consider Uldahs own poor and downtrodden. Raubahn: Ala Mhigo stands at a crossroads, and this meeting will decide which path it takes. Ala Ghiri's primary export was Arak, however, the date trees needed to produce more arak are just now being replanted. ], [The phoebads hands are large and powerful, but destroying its crystallized core should render the salt golem inanimate. It starts with insults most often, then someone picks up a stone Some industrious souls even thought to seek out the graves of Zenos and his officers. Raubahn: Ill not deny theres a part of me that wants to stay The same part that contemplated renouncing my rank and joining you as a wandering sellsword. What was she even doing there? I thank you for your candor. ), (A brillant shield surrounds Fordola and intercepts every sphere.). Arenvald: Oh, I cant wait to see the look on Lyses face! Might I have your company for a brief adventure? Lyse: Thanks, Yshtola. Eorzea Database: Securing the Saltery - FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone Lyse: Im only going to say this once. ), (In the recent past: Lyse throws open the door to Fordolas cell and tosses a sword at the prisoners feet.). Wiscar: Dont worry, Grandadwell take care of all that. Let us go on ahead to the Waking Sands, and prepare for his coming.