I deleted my products here and joined sguild again, no reason for staying here. Sometime buyer in frustration just leave bad review on the model for issues that can be solved easily, but since he cant contact seller he thinks he cant do anything about it and he wasted his money. - Forcing people to choose a proper tagging to their objects so that we don't get scanned high poly print-ready objects in the way when we tick the "low-poly" filter, "TurboSquid Support, Jun 20, 08:14 SST: And reasons can be any. Free models are posted for lots of different reasons, not just only to serve as an example to show of artist modeling skills/quality of work (sample data). They provide clients with pretty much everything they could possibly want at reasonable prices and have a 100 percent guarantee return policy on all their items. Then we're all back at Square one again. What makes Cg-trader better than Turbosquid? Putting 3D printing as the main product range on first page doesn't help, as has been noted. Think about your future: Anyway, there is still some ocasional Turbosquid fanboy that bashes CGtrader and promotes Turbosquid in public forums and social media while writes this in TS forums at the same time: Being between a rock (TS) and a hard place (CT) is a damn round the clock aggravation. Plus, if you express constructive ideas on the forums, you know you'll get listened to. I like the concept of CGtrader very much, hope to see the duality issues resolved. I left the turbosquid from Diamond level . @Urecky, while i'm agree with you in general, let me argue on some specific points. i like the points system on cg trader . A good ref point is that your average laptop with Dual Pentium 2 gigahertz processor 8 GB of ram will start having issues when running over 200,000 polygons. To be honest, it's hard to me to believe that such respectable people like Mantas and Eduardas would refuse to remove negative feedback if it was given without firm reason. Check out our picks of the best sites to download free 3D models for 3D printing, games & animation, graphic design, architecture, and more. 2. They will be very enlightening and useful to you especially if you have never built 3D models and don't know what to expect. I see no point in closing when you might as well keep it open and get a couple sales. Noise Treshold: Downside at CGTrader is as i've just been informed from Support is NO you can't sell the licence here and transfer it into another users name. in the name of freedom expression of the buyer (???). I do not know if community-policing has helped other sites keep their products better organized. Because of its design and trade/royalty system, CGTrader seems better and more advantageous, but at the end of the day, I get much more income from Turbosquid and The3Dstudio. Of those limited people just a hand full would actually buy models or put money towards models so if TS already has won those people we need to find our own nitch or we go out of business. $300 + (280) $200 to $300 (315) $100 to . flob3d: I don't know if Jonathan invented the CheckMate, but what I can say is that Jonathan is a good professional and he often helped me a lot, so I have no complaints to make. So click on a category. When you just start out you have to price your models at 1 dollar or give them away for free but the second you start selling well they take your models offline and force you to raise your prices Once you raise your prices nobody buys and you are back to square 1. (Edge loops, quad poly, simple overall structure) Full Rigged with over 30 facial blendshapes and 20+ skin morph targets in order to produce better rig quality and remove some joints issues such as overlaped knees, stretched hips, etc. In my experience often times a client will ask for certain models but then one must take into consideration what computer specs they have because you don't want your client to get frustrated with the models you buy. 3D 3D Photorealistic Female Rigged - TurboSquid 1789052 I read here on the forum can't remember if it was Iterate CGI or someone else said that CGTrader will soon sell on Amazon and I can't wait for it to happen!! Remember The3DStudio? You can just buy and return it if it is not to your satisfaction. Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. The motivation to backlink and make marketing efforts for the own store (and the collective trademark ad the same time) would probable also increase. In this case a collaborative action could be established to make the product more attractive. I ended up terminating my account, seeing as I couldn't operate the store under such conditions - not only did I risk having the work I'd put in uploading items undone at any moment, I also had no idea what pitfalls I had to avoid to not have items taken down. Yes, buyers has free will to express their opinion about model, but in case of negative feedback such opinion should be reasonable and motivated. Products are subject to the TurboSquid, Inc. Is it the return guarantee if not satisfied? The TurboSquid 3D Model License - TurboSquid Blog I also think, as iterateCGI, the market control based on exclusivity will soon disappear. CGtrader delivers the best basic structure to bring fort this new and healthy next gen market place. I've often (not just at this site) downloaded "free" items to verify their quality before purchasing models from a vendorI had problems with 3-4 of the "free" items I looked at first here (having no idea there was a limit), and now I can download no more. That thing is just getting started ;-). I agree with Captainmarlowe than one of the most important ideas to develop is more "education" for Sellers about all aspects involved in this business, and some kind of system that favors good and fair business practices and penalizes bad ones. You don't even seem to get reputation points for purchasing items, assuming I've read the page correctly, and if that is the case it's just dumb. I'm even considering seriously closing my store here. We'll let you know about that soon - all CGT sellers will receive via email, so stay tuned! If you continue to price your models higher on TurboSquid, you will will not be able to publish your content on TurboSquid, and we will temporarily take your current models offline. They lie about your rights on Turbosquid. A good platform should integrate all next gen communication technologies in order to support curent evolution and technological progress. Don't know if it's already mentioned in this thread, but in TS you have a refund system, when customer buyed your product has ability to bring back his money and it'll subracted from your earnings, if he doesn't like a model for some reason. Large studios with "turbosquid" collaborate very limitedly. Chat with Support 24/7 On the other side, CGtrader empowers the real content creators, giving them all kind of freedom regarding their products and image, and encouraging communication between customers and content creators. The last handful of successful high end 3D studios still buy those models because they know that the scenes have to be clean, geometry has no odd manifold or abnormal issues and the modelers have to jump through all kinds of hoops to ensure the quality of the model including providing high quality 360 renders. At the time my CGt account was not performing so well and it enforced that belief (it was probably due to longer presence and better position on Ts and new on CGt). I'm always in favor for more options and less restrictions. In fact I hope that once buyers begin to see the difference in quality on this site they will jump ship but the thing that still trips up CGTrader is the consumer confidence. I'll ask my friend to get in touch with you for the unsolved support, as I think it is him who has to do that - not me. I like this site more, because, firstly, it has a much more pleasant and understandable interface, gives a higher percentage of the sale (on a TS, it looks more like a tip if you are not a member of their club), and generally it works more stable. In my personal opinion TS is working very hard towards buyers and exploits sellers as much as they can, well except few chosen ones, while CGT is taking great care about sellers, but leaving buyers somewhat aside. Search is arguably most important feature of stocks and search in TS is head and shoulders (and then some more) above search in CGT. Nice try. This is a totally separate "operation" that is going on under the acquisitions of CGstudio and T3DFM, which serve also as noisy cover to "wag the dog". In other words as an artist in TS you are not so well protected, as it's here at CGT. I would like to see similar stats from other sellers, but CGtrader has been the 3D marketplace with the higher increase in sales for us without a doubt. We finally have some real genuine completion for the best sales platform. I still get more sales on TS, despite having adjusted all prices to compensate their extortions. Without checkmate Turbosquid would have gone out of business. It makes you blind and clueless to how a customer is actually using your product and how well it integrates in his business and future activities. :). bye for now and be well Will and Mr Data :) :]. The longing to justice is something that cannot be eradicated, the hole of human history shows that clearly. And precisely here is where I think resides the greater problem. In this case you could say (in a nutshell) CGt is (at its core) acting as a hub providing file hosting and transaction services, and it can basically do so whit everything digital. In response to your comments kanga, I would like to add this to the conversation. Difference in quality of search results is shockingly vast in favor of TS. What, iterateCGI goos down? Important only is that there buy many people. @limonadinis Thanks for dropping by and great news about an eventual homepage re-design. Here it is quite seamless and elegant. It is pretty difficult to find what you want but if you are only looking for free models then CGTrader's search engine is far better than Turbosquid. If you look around on the net on all the various forums everyone always mentions Turbosquid be it positively or negatively. https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/cathedral-paris-notre-dame-3d-obj/933856?referral=pit_zavra CG Trader. I have always been amazed at how TS can pull off their selling stunt, I've got better stuff AND cheaper on here than on TS but the sales over there totally dominate. If you look at the traffic statistics, TS ranks around 9k top sites, and CGT at around 42k, so obviously, people buy more at TS not because they want to spoil the sellers, but rather because they don't come to CGTrader enough and their first place to search is TS. CGTrader vs Turbosquid | CGTrader A battle is going on right now, and some top sellers are going full #SquidClan with a custom deal from the Wisdoms: a 5-6 digit $ amount in instant cash now as an advance of a 2 year exclusivity deal, plus a boost of their royalties at the expense of all the other "non-top" sellers at Turbosquid that won't be getting any offer from Matt Wisdom. According to me ,in the future, more a 3DMarketplace will be open more it will take to success. Thank you again! What this shows is their weakness. Doesnt matter the kind of kinky-dinky stuff the platform provides me. Turbosquid has terrible royalty rates 3D is great for creating things that can restore old products. - An improvement in search results based on manual rating from sellers and/or CGtrader staff. 60% is an insult. There are indeed some snags in data management and the sorting out system. In previous post the buyer mentioned he don't get reputation points for buying models? And it is convenient for the buyer and profitable for the seller. Rigged models are great for art projects, games, movies or VR experiences, because they save a lot of development time. The problem is that the site is not able to get a clear separation between CG and 3D printing. I'm suggesting a collective of store owners. What that means is that customers have the illusion of it being the best site out there even if the quality of the products is way below CGTrader. B: CGTrader needs to do SOMETHING about all the damn undercutters. I don't know whether it would be possible to implement, but it would stop those who just wanted to download as many free models as possible. Same with copyright infringements, same with low quality models (a friend of mine bought recently a model here, which was supposed to be .OBJ compatible : but the seller had just exported the obj from its original program, without even editing the mtl file to have the textures loaded automatically ! It would be mess. I will leave the items here to see if cg trader does manage to change things around over the next 12 months and if not will simply sell them on turbosquid. I was victim of that there a few months ago, I had a bad rating when the model have never had a problem during many years. The staff on CG Trader seem to be very active and listen to ideas from the community, so I will try to find time and post some ideas on how the problem could be solved. Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. You can change your subscription preferences at any time in the account settings. My sales are not still on par with TS, but I haven't published new models for quite some time, because I only have time to create models to enter challenges from time to time. Doesn't seem so. Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. Looks to me like they are providing a very content creator friendly environment. People may think that having that option makes it more likely for sellers to see their work by placing their models in the incorrect category but actually that just irritates buyers who may just go elsewhere to buy. Login to PayPal to add your account as a payment method. Work directly with a 3D artist for your project. Comment goo's like this, quote "Awesome model, converted this guy over into maya and he looks great" end quote. We can't even communicate on Ts, and that in an age of supper connectivity, it's just the world on his head. 5. The next thing CGT needs to do is get in with Ebay, Amazon, walmart etc places where everyone buys not just 3D enthusiasts and that regular people trust with their money. I think CGTrader just has to advertise itself more.. everything else will fall into place.. CG traders designer rank rep points. CGTrader / TurboSquid Female Advanced Model - Free Daz 3D Models Change Method. It seems to me that over time a CGTrader will be able to overtake TurboSquid in many positions, if TS does not change its policy. I guess CGTrader should send out advertising to the companies, but I'm sure they are doing/done it already. Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. Using TurboSquid 3D Models in Virtual Worlds. Founded in 2000, Turbosquid has championed growth in the 3D space through partnerships with leaders in the industry. "don't you think that corporate client would rather choose to get support from team of profesionals that are available 24/7, than from unknown person, who might respond with big delay or not respon at all?". stores with its own labels for 3D printing, 3D stock, crowdfunding, game models maybe even concept designs, sound files, storytellers, code for making apps, 3D scripts, etc) Each of this stores would then again have subcategories (e.g. That definitely wasn't me hoe said that turbo. I was a seller on Ts for very long time but never liked it, felt the 60% cut was unjust, the aggressive tactics towards competitors was bad, the self centeredness to keep artist away from own clients was wrong, and there are many more reasons why it never felt home to me. Respect and good luck to everyone who is here! Work directly with a 3D artist for your project. patna Escorts Service However, fear of losing sales kept me both on Ts and CGt for long time (not liked it). This is hight quality female model with animation friendly topology. Payout fees are just fractions of percent, not worth to consider. Especially if the buyer asks to change something in the configuration of models or to clarify details. just needs more publicity.. us designers need to market the site with our products at the rate one of my designs is going ill have more facebook likes/shares than the website itself has on one design I really think that a "designer good practices charter" or something like that could help. Well, it was more than one year ago that I last intervened on this thread. This would allow genuine potential buyers to check the quality of models. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/industrial/other/shipping-container--4. Say you happen to be a great render and lighting specialist but not so well a modeler, you see this nice models that have potential but the presentation is very bad (from good modeler with no render skills). A rig is like a skeleton of a 3D model, which lets you move and pose it with little effort. Why is CGTrader better? and it's not a check-out, it's simply a gift. Ts just took royalty's from other items I've sold to get the money back. Everything is more and more coming down to individual levels of very friendly and much more human communication. Turbosquid has too many models Chat with Support 24/7 So let's hope that at some point, the designers of the site will establish some filters to guarantee a minimal quality and, why not, a "good practice charter" for the sellers, or that they will explain some sellers that their attitude is not good in the long term for the site credibility. So here on CGt I could have just asked the buyer if he would be interested in that sort of deal. If I compare him with the founder of Ts, then it becomes clear to me we have a completely different relationship. You don't even seem to get reputation points for purchasing items, assuming I've read the page correctly, and if that is the case it's just dumb. They may not end up following your ideas, but they will certainly take them into account. It might be a good idea to see what the customer experience is with various market places by making an experimental purchase at each and seeing who has the most effective methods of enticing return visits and encouraging word-of-mouth bumps. Another point in favor cgtrader is that the royalties and buy a model possible in the payment system WebMoney. (this would be the core of the human sorting out system). Most small or midsized companies I worked with, did their best to cap their scene polygons at no more 500,000 all models included. Products are subject to the TurboSquid, Inc. It would be great to have more of your feedback so we could make it better for buyers. This industry really needs a giant hub were al CGpeople (weather young and inexperienced ore diehard veterans) can communicate, learn, trade, fundraise and collaborate. But they must realise that attracting more buyers only through more aggresive marketing is not enough. If CGT would manage to draw more buyers from TS then even more sellers would migrate here. So just to be constructive (and this will be my last post here, because I don't want to hijack the thread anymore, here are some ideas : I have noticed that a lot of artists are moving to Asia to find jobs where they are far better respected and paid what they are worth. @ Supercigaleha, ha, a good point about ,,the famous CheckMate,, :) TS . From point of buyer who wants to buy a classic 3D model (cg) there is no way I will start searching on cgtrader. It doesn't matter if the printing industry is growing fast. TS has terrible support, i had stupid responses from them during my interaction with them. TurboSquid be avoided guys! and cgtrader is easy to navigate and great UI, Turbosquid is a very shit comparing to CGTrader, i dont like turbosquid i prefer CGtrader absolutely, I think it is more comfortable to use. Logout from your account and go to CGTrader home page. Here at CGtrader you can do all of that and much much more which is awesome!! But for the rest i do like the way cgtrader functions, more royalty rate, easy uploading and a community forum and job board. TS has more sales because : We made this limitation to protect our designers from leechers who download hundreds of free models and then try to monetize them in some other way. That is true, but im talking if buyer is already familiar with existence of CGTrader, he can reap all the benefits then. Bottom line is if people are used to buying from TS they won't buy here because they need to use a different system so let's create our own client base. Any more than 500,000 polygons in one scene and that will make opening and closing it a really long process not to mention that if you trying to animate something in the scene you may have to keep hiding things in various layers or create the animation in a separate one. With the support of a strong community we can get this thing going, don't worry about that. @skifx, apparently your feeding hand is just too small. There is indeed much structural work that needs to be done here but the core foundation/principal is here. @dafunk @S/C. On other hand I could also think its just some clients that do not care about the price difference, they just prefer using the Ts account. 60% cut could be ok if that cost could be added to the product but price guarantee makes that impossible. Show more, By subscribing you confirm that you have read and accept ourTerms of Use, max, fbx, blend, uasset, tbscene and more, obj, fbx, unitypackage, prefab, mat and more. On the contrary, comparing 2013 to 2014 for the exact same period (January to August) our sales INCREASED in a 45%. I like the deposit proposal of flat_3d, but jet again it probably best be part of a repertoire of marketing tools the designer could choose from, not a global policy. Doing the same at Turbosquid feels as dreadful as applying for a driver's license. As someone suggested most serious buyers will end up buying 100 bucks worth of models so putting down 1 Dollar isn't going to cause any trouble. It's the artist that need to make a stand and simply take the short term loss from less traffic and exposure and join the marketplace that respects the artists.