Compendium Character Vault Manage Audio Token Marker Library Roll20 Companion App D&D Hub GM Hub. Now Ive always got a lot of time for what the Mearls has to say but overall Im not a huge fan of what he came up with on this occasion. Stacking hexblade (cha to damage), thirsty blade (+cha with your hex weapon), oathbreaker paladin's aura of hatred (+cha to weapon), and dueling fighting style (+2 to damage)can make any weapon pretty fierce +17 flat damage is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you start eldritch or divine smiting on top of that. Perhaps a Nat 1 would make you hit yourself (think the first time Indiana Jones used the Whip). Is this homebrew "Acrobatic Grappler" feat balanced? If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. -Push/Pull/Bind: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or is moved 10 & be bound until player releases or Dex Vs Dex contest succeeds Thanks for the feedback! Excellent work! Your ki point maximum increases by 1. Youve got Indiana Jones, Catwoman, and most importantly, Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Top 10 Fighter Feats for 5E 10. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Anyhow I have actually playtested this rule a lot, as it was a property I gave to all bludgeoning weapons in my Dragon Heist campaign, and it worked really well. Hey I mean, any excuse I can have to play a battle master is worth it! Thats a hefty chunk of your action economyto pull off this maneuver. I LOVE THIS ADVENTURE!. When you have advantage on a melee attack roll, and you hit, you can reroll 1s and 2s on your damage dice. Which should be the dominant model here. Sentinel Conclusions Top 10 Fighter Feats for 5E Before you start collecting feats, a Fighter should get to 20 Strength or Dexterity. When the Keeper of Tomes is murdered, and his body mutilated, on Deadwinters Eve, all of the Great Readers become suspects in this heinous crime. One of the biggest issues is that a rogue would be great with a whip but they cant use one since they lack proficiency with whips. Rogues are not proficient with whips and would still have to choose to take this talent. But they're good for DEX Paladins since they're melee weapons (so you can still smite with them, without being right next to someone), or for Rangers for stacking Hunter's Mark and subclass damage dice (maybe with the Dual Wielder feat). People start with the viewpoint that the official rules are the word of God, and anything you do to try to fix/improve them is tantamount to heresy to the extent that sometimes impressive feats of mental agility are performed to defend their flaws and foibles (D&D shouldnt try to be realistic, its perfectly balanced, its not balanced, but its better that way whatever serves the argument basically. If you succeed, you either knock the target prone or pull it 5 feet toward from you. When you score a critical hit with a flail, if the target is a Large-sized creature or smaller, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or be knocked prone. Great Weapon Master / Sharpshooter 1. Because of this Ghost Riders Chain deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage instead of 1d4 like the rest of the whips. Buy this 5e adventure with an old school flavour for $5.95 on the DMs Guild. Because of this, Ive given it a mini Divine Smite attached to its damage. Rogues. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a rapier or scimitar: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Tripping Attack, Brace (UA)*. The Morningstar feat looks to me like good place for the war pick to me as well. Can the wielder still use the whip to deal damage? This way you essentially get a +2 weapon with a small, flavorful perk. Champion isnt exactly the most popular Fighter archetype, but I think it would be great, both thematically and in rules synergy, for a Fighter with a few levels of Barbarian. The whip extends your OA range which makes you a better defender. Yet, so many rogues already use bows or crossbows which gives them even more distance between the enemy compared to a whip. While I have a different philosophy, I totally understand people who prefer things official and simple, and so I went back to the drawing board. You cant quite beat the sentinel and polearm build with this, but its fun, powerful, and adds more control and finally makes whips a worth while consideration. I felt that in order to compete with a +2 Dexterity score increase, there was still room for a superiority die in the feat. Duration: Instantaneous. The problem? At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. D&D 5E How can the whip be optimized as a weapon? - EN World Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? I also found whips work great with attacks of opportunity since they have extra reach, and the dual wielder feat can be pretty nice with them as well. Well the wording could use some fixes, but balance-wise it seems fine. Or I could build in a limited Defensive Duelist-style parry add your proficiency bonus to your AC but only a number of times equal to your Dex modifier per rest.? He turns to +1 bonuses a lot, which I find rather boring and flavourless, with a high fiddle to reward ratio, and some of the other mechanics seem a bit clumsy too. You either gain a +2 bonus to range attack rolls, or you learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a javelin or spear: Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte and Trip Attack*. I built it this way, so you dont have to take DD at all, or at least you dont have to take it first. I say theoretically because theaction economy does come into play here. I'm not quite sure I'm answering your question though. It feels more fun. If I were to give this feat a tiny lift, I would impose disadvantage on the saving throw against the effects of Menacing Attack made by a Morningstar Master. What check would my PC roll to escape if he were grappled by a mimic? You gain the following benefits: Does this seem balanced when compared to other feats? The target may choose to fail this check. Design Notes: Obviously this is a doubled up version of Martial Adept, with the justification that its limited to only two weapons and you cant choose every single maneuver available (plus Martial Adept is not that good, so we can afford to take a liberty here!). -Disarm: Succeeds, player retrieves item One of the best adventures I have ever run!, If you took American Gladiators, the Colosseum, and the Quidditch World Cup and then mashed them all together I imagine youd end up with something like Dragonbowl. Mind Sliver TCoE: Intelligence saves tend to be low, so this is easy, reliable damage at range. Its also a holy weapon made specifically to, you guessed it, kill vampires. The DnD Druid 5e class is a living conduit for the natural world, that bends the forces of nature and the primal elements to their whim, and even has the mystical ability to become the animals they protect.The Druid is an excellent answer for a party that's missing some roles. How about conjuring up some Weapon Mastery Feats to fill in all the gaps left behind by Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master, Sharp Shooter etc. The Abyssal Whip is a powerful weapon and extremely accurate. It's a class that can be a damage-dealing powerhouse up close, but operates just as well at a distance, either as . That being said, there was really no way to recreateGhost Riders Chain in D&D 5e without making it a legendary magical item. The text of the feat would read as follows: Whip Master You have trained extensively with the whip, allowing you to use it both within and outside of combat. So, the crowd control portion of Whip Master is inferior to the crowd control portion of Sentinel. Whips are fun, flavorful, and iconic weapons. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? -Disarm: Succeeds, item drops at Players feet How to play with pets in D&D - Blizzard Watch *Plus Acrobatic Attack, Acrobatic Defense, Blinding Strike, Combination Attack, Crippling Attack, Defensive Feint, Defensive Stance, Disabling Strike, Preemptive Strike, Showboating Attack, and Whirlwind Defense, if you want to include my homebrew manoeuvres. Fencing Master Oooh, I havent heard of the Duelist subclass, and I cant find it online. Just for fun in game, Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. Both weapons keep their identity and usefulness in a rogues arsenal. Dec 12, 2018 - Whips in D&D 5e are pretty abysmal. Simply granting it as a bonus action is fairly strong already, imo. Roll vs AC (No Modifiers in off hand Dex Mod in strong hand), Roll of 1: Critical fail -Whip hits player for critical damage and is restrained (Dex Save to break) Whip Master, Variant (5e Feat) - D&D Wiki You gain the following benefits: When you weild a polearm such as a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear and you hit a creature that tries to enter your reach with an opportunity attack, it takes 1d4 extra piercing damage from the weapon and its movement speed is halved until the start of that creatures next turn, potentially losing its attack(s). You're already writing out the mechanic. Naturally speaking, it must be a powerful item hence the +2 bonus to attack and damage. Another class I would suggest using is the Battle master since their maneuver abilities provide most of and more of the abilities listed in your feat. Daggers also are able to become thrown weapons in a pinch. Alternatively, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to cast the following: protection from poison, shillelagh (transforming the bow into a snake-headed 1 quarterstaff), thorn whip (causing one of the bow's snake heads to lash out). If not stated then default will be damage. Axe Master the intention was that the critical range extends by 1 (maybe Ill change the jargon, or put something in the design notes to clarify that!). It's the only 1 handed reach weapon so it can be used with a shield, which others can't - useful for front line non-tank. A tentacle of semi-solid shadow lashes out at a target within range. STR-based Bear Totem with Sentinel, presumably? However, its actually a bit worse than a dagger since you can throw one 20/60 ft. +1 to a specific attribute is a pretty standard 'half-feat' and so is fine. Select a feat from the list to view it here: Manage Homebrew . How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Prerequisite: 5th level As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. dnd 5e - How does Polearm Master interact with Quarterstaff and Whip Additionally, if the target is a Large-sized creature or smaller, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. You can deal lethal damage with a whip, although you can still deal nonlethal damage when you want. Plus one superiority die alone is a bit underwhelming. I am thinking pally for smites or rogue for sneak attack. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a bludgeoning weapon: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Sweeping Attack (maul only), Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. So, do you like these? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The druid's other cantrip with ranged damage capability, Produce Flame, does 1d8 damage (and increasing according to the same level progression as Thorn Whip) at the same range. You have disadvantage on attack rolls in close quarters and passageways that are 5 feet wide or smaller as well as on any Mobility check including Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), (Stealth). If you enjoyed what you read be sure to check out my ongoing review for all of the official D&D 5e books! Thanks everyone. Effectively its an additional 5% chance of doing an additional 3.5, 4.5 or 6.5 damage, depending on the axe in question. On a successful melee spell attack, the tentacle deals 1d6 cold damage and, if the target of Large size or smaller, it gains the grappled condition until the beginning of your . All 3 of these points are basically the justification for any feat in 5e. Aside from the fact that no one Ive played with, or watched online even, has ever played a Champion (they seem like a good class for newbie, beer and pretzels player, but otherwise they are rather dull! *Plus Blinding Attack and Disabling Attack from this list. Trip using a bonus action to try and shove a creature prone is fair in my opinion. For any melee character withextra attack,a whip does pull-ahead in the long run. Look out multiverse. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Today's Unearthed Arcana presents a selection of new feats for Dungeons & Dragons. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Design Notes: Critics will say the miss by 1 is fiddly, but when youre that close to hitting you always do the maths, so you know. You gain proficiency in the whip. So, now that you understand my thought process, I hope you enjoy these feats. and meets the demand of the majority of 5e players and DMs, without forcing anyone to rethink the game. You gain the following benefits: When you use a whip, its damage die changes from a d4 to a d6 (this benefit has no effect if another feature has already improved the weapon's die). The failure of my new weapon properties to excite the D&D masses left with me a problem, as I still want my weapon choice to mean something it drives me a little crazy that wielding a mace in Dungeons & Dragons is almost identical to wielding a quarterstaff, shortsword, scimitar or spear. Those medieval headsmen chose axes for a reason, right? Short of Rust Monsters, nearly nothing in 5e deals damage to your equipment. Name Ability Prerequisite. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Fencing Master: Is it too much like the Duelist subclass? You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. They can still be good for DEX Fighters, though, and you can use them with the Defensive Duelist feat, as well as Elven Accuracy. Vampire Killer is unique in that its a whip but has the head of a flail or mace attached to its end. Will One D&D Patch Up The 5e Armour Table? Too much time using cacti as punching bags has given you a great appreciation for the pain pointy plants can deal, so you've learned to channel your own power in such a way as to create prickly sprouts. Ive been thinking that since most combats only last a couple of rounds, and typically parties are able to rest between combats, that two superiority dice makes this feat a bit too strong, and compromises The Battle Master a bit too much. Make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If you are already proficient with a whip you gain a +2 bonus to your attack rolls with a whip. Honestly, I'd just say to make the extra d4 a standard whip feature, and make it 2d4+2 with the feat. I will be looking for some more articles on your site thanks for this lovely post. Giving rogues the ability to use whips gives the weapon a niche without changing anything mechanically. Who will be brave enough to disarm this labyrinth, unravel the Orders secrets, and confront the potentially deranged archmage? not reliant on rolling a 19 or 20 etc.). This is a heavy chain sort of likeVampire Killer, but it has a bit more weight to it. I rarely see them used which is a shame for a weapon with so much flavor. If this were a feat for say, a greatsword, it might be a bit overtuned. Then later, pick up Dual Wielder, War Caster and Sentinel, using a rapier in the off hand for AoOs with booming blade at two different radii. Trip Attack 3. Plenty of other famous characters use whips and look slick as hell doing so. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. How would you do it? Will my Beast Barbarian/Soulknife Rogue be viable in a 1-20 campaign? I feel like a good quick balance to the whip would to make it 2d4, makes it a lot more viable and wanted given that the min damage is 2. -Trip: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or be Prone What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. Thanks for taking the time to feedback on these! A feat makes it a) optional, b) an investment and c) makes a characterbetter at something theyre already doing. You gain two superiority dice, which are d6s. A list of the finesse weapons in 5e: Dagger; Dart; Rapier; Scimitar; Shortsword; Whip; For characters with martial weapon proficiencies, here's some weapon choice tips to . Not sure the benefits of reach when you can just shoot it from even further away. By Taymoor Rehman, Jeremy Crawford, Ben Petrisor, Dan Dillon, Ari Levitch. When you make an attack roll with a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage and you miss by 1, you hit instead, dealing half your usual damage. (i.e. bugbear Gloom Stalker ranger with duelist as the weapon style. Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! I took inspiration from theOld School version of the Abyssal Whip for this interpretation. Thorn Whip 5E - Full Guide - The Dungeon Rats War Caster - Feats in D&D 5e - YouTube It holds a maximum of 3 charges of the paladinsDivine Sense ability. +17 flat damage is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you start eldritch or divine smiting on top of that. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. - ranged "grapple" and then attack? How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? They can use this action to Dash, Attack (one weapon attack only), Hide, and Disengage. Find out more on the DMs Guild. But with that being said, the same classes withextra attack that would benefit from using the whip over throwing daggers also have access to way better weapons. This characters goal is not necessarily to deal damage but to harass their enemies and manipulate the battlefield with a reach weapon. Weapon feats are nice but I would rather prefare some weapon properties over feats for anything. Just making one attack with the weapon seems enough. Disarming Attack? Coming soon, Ive got a HUGE post on Dragon Heist, half written, plus new posts on how to play both Indiana Jones and Gogo Yubari in 5th edition (with an awesome new Meteor Hammer Master feat inspired by everyones favourite school girl!). Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. The special attack of the Abyssal Whip in Runescape was to drain an enemy players run speed. Maybe I'm missing something, but it felt redundant. Just enter your email for FREE D&D content in your inbox (I will NEVER spam you or sell your details). Learn more about the Wizard of Combat GMing course and my D&D 5e Combat course here! Maybe you could choose 2 of the three: 1. There are plenty of feats which support different weapon classes based on their properties. PDF UA Feats JC - Wizards of the Coast You can skip right ahead to the following feats: Or, if you have a couple of minutes spare, you can read about the process that led me there. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? as theres nothing in RAW to stop players taking two short rests in a row (no doubt this is what led to those weird healing rules, I dont like much!). The closest thing I could think of to these mechanics are theGrapple andShove actions. I'll look into Ranger a little more, the game I was going to ended up being Pathfinder rather than 5e, and I ended up using a Ranger there, but haven't really looked into a Ranger with a whip, other than Hunters Mark. Here's a really silly idea: vuman Hexblade 1 / Lore Bard 5 / Arcane Trickster X, starting with Spell Sniper, Reach Booming Blade shenanigans, and plenty of wrathful smites from Hexblade with bard slots, using cutting words on their checks to break it. It gives them a reliable way to get a reaction attack which they can do sneak attack damage with. rev2023.3.3.43278. Leaves 8 levels open for spells (bless gives a +1d4) and perhaps an paladin aura aswell? Casting Time: 1 action. The feats extra attack nicely represents real world techniques which require wielding the weapon in two hands. The result is, I think, a really cool feat (you can find it below), that offers plenty of flexibility in combat situations, which still falls within the power balance of a 5e feat. d4 with Piercer adds 0.5 damage, d6 adds 0.75 damage, d12 adds 1.5 damage, etc). Now that I think about it, I would put in war pick with the Morningstar feat actually, offering a brutal critical effect, rather than a impactful miss that the warhammer gets via the Bludgeoning feat. How do I convince them to let . I feel like this had to have been an oversight or something. Aside from the fact that people want to play the official version of the game, many DMs and players are loathe to add any additional complexity to their game, rating 5es simplicity as one of its key draws. Seriously, his handaxes would have a higher range and deal more damage. Feats are little add ons that add curated complexity to a narrow niche within the game, and we can usually trust the player with the feat to deal with them, meaning the rules burden for the rest of the gaming table is very light indeed. So a dagger theoretically deals the same damage, also has the finesse property, and has a longer range than the whip. Axe Master: How does the extended critical range combine with the extended critical range from the Champion subclass? FrogReaver As long as i get to be the frog Jul 21, 2019 #5 Blue said: Be a Bugbear for even more fun with reach (though doesn't apply to AoOs, sadly). I'm going to make thisway harderthan itneeds to be. Instead youve got a deadly combo now, by picking both feats! You were right the first time that you needed Dual Wielder - the whip is not a light weapon. July 13th, 2020. If this parry causes the attack to miss you, and you have the Defensive Duelist feat, you may also make one melee attack against that creature, as part of the same reaction.